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0.0 h au cours des 2 dernières semaines / 29.1 h en tout
Évaluation publiée le 15 nov. 2015 à 5h00

This game looks, sounds, and controls amazingly. It's super authentic , feels like your truly inside Ridley Scott's world. Overall it took me around 20 ish hours to beat the game, after many deaths and the ever-so frustrating uncertain Alien movement. Alien, is actually my major flaw with the game- it's way too random. I think I could of finished the game way faster, if it wasnt for the Alien camping around my location for minutes on end. At one point I even installed a mod that traps the Alien inside a shaft, so he's somewhat removed from the game, which turns the game into and stealth FPS against androids and other civilians.

Overall I think the game should be played and experienced by anyone, who is a big fan of Alien movies, frustrated by the previous games and the amazing and immersive atmosphere. 8/10
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