Permament Slump
Joshua Assad   United States
Hello everybody who is visiting my steam profile,
I would like to inform you that I've been in slump since summer 2014. It all happened when me and my team was in lead 14:1 against random legendary eagle guys on matchmaking. I was a beast in that game, I felt my potential and I used it, my score was something like 27:8:7. During that game I felt that I am actually good and could reach the top of most dominant players ever and some day play against mightiest legends like GeT_RiGhT and neo. But then...everything fell apart and it felt like I am in hell while slowly losing the control of match and eventually getting rekt every round till the end. Embarrassingly it ended 14:16 in favour of opposite team. It was most emotional match in my career, I raged, cried and even broke my desk, this nightmare damaged me emotionally. Since that day I am unable to mantain a positive K/D ratio and each round I end up losing a round it instantly reminds me of that horrible and disgusting match and makes me emotionally unstable.

So guys please consider this and don't let me down during the matches I play with you, I told you my story, you know what is wrong with me and how badly it affected me. It really hurts, I was so close to reaching the top but got humiliated by my emotions and the opponents. I am not blaming anyone, I really hope that one day I can comeback and fight my way to top and prove myself that I am strong and if you believe you can achieve anything. PEACE OUT!
Currently Offline
OG KU$H Lord Jamar verse 27 Apr, 2020 @ 3:33pm 
+rep bratan please come back we need your wise wisdom for our comebacks
Travis Scott 30 Jan, 2018 @ 10:55am 
Duchyyy 8 May, 2016 @ 12:57pm 
THE BEST ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ LAGGER,EVER !!! - rep
FrOsT 6 Mar, 2016 @ 5:15am 
Nockx 18 Oct, 2014 @ 4:58am 
add me i have one m4 asiimov for 14keys
+rep great and friendly and good trader