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Publicada el 16 AGO 2024 a las 6:25
Actualizada el 16 AGO 2024 a las 6:27

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Fields of Mistria has its own, unique feeling

This game is a breath of fresh air when it comes to farming sims. The whole time I've been playing it, it has felt as if I was playing Fields of Mistria, and not yet another Stardew Valley or Harvest Moon copy. The passion and expertise on farming sims behind the team who made this game can be felt. There are so many quality of life features and interesting mechanics that actually have an effect on the gameplay.

Here are some miscellaneous highlights of what I've especially enjoyed so far:
  • The map system! You can see NPCs on the map and which path leads where, and switch between maps as if they were little tabs in your journal. Easy to use AND cute
  • If an NPC goes into a building before you, you don't need to open/interact with the door, you can just walk straight in after them!
  • Your tool reach with the starting tools isn't just a square around you, can reach two squares from you if it's up/down or left/right
  • Your stamina doesn't go down if you use a tool wrong. For example, if you accidentally hit a stone with an axe
  • You can customize your character at any time. Including name, pronouns, and farm name. On top of that, the clothes you unlock go straight into your character customization screen so changing them is super easy and doesn't take up inventory space. You can even save presets!
  • NPCs comment on your museum donations :')
  • The NPCs have as much depth as your average farming sim but they're all distinct from each other and have not only interesting designs but seasonal outfits.
  • Your character does a little peace sign pose after catching something. Very cute!
  • If you craft something, the items needed for it don't have to be in your inventory. It's enough for them to be in a chest and you can toggle chests on/off for crafting
  • Combat is SUPER fun! Meeting a new enemy type always feels like a mini puzzle. There are enemies that only start attacking you when your back is turned or enemies whose projectiles you can hit back a them!
  • Speaking of combat, dying being so punishing makes you utilize the cooking skill a lot more than usual in farming sims. It's refreshing to see a game with so many mechanics that actually have an effect on how the game is played

Some minor feedback:
  • Im not the biggest fan of how your starting clothes are very modern even though you're supposed to be an adventurer in a fantasy world and everyone else is dressed very fantasyesque. Though maybe that's exactly what the devs were going for idk!
  • It would be cool (and great for my wrist) if you could map extra mouse buttons (as in those found on mouses with extra buttons on the side etc.) into the controls. Especially with how I enjoy Charged and repeated tool uses to be different mechanics, but it's kind of a pain switching between them if I can do one with the mouse but not the other.
  • It would be nice if there was an option to fill a chest or nearby chests if you have the same items in your inventory. Also grabbing half of a stack or holding down to grab multiple would make inventory management a lot nicer in my opinion (and also once again keep people playing for longer before wrist pain becomes an issue from the clicking haha).
  • Sometimes dialog lines are said in silly places. Celine asked me if I knew she works in the general store, and that I should say hi to her during her shifts there. She said this while behind the counter in the store. I'm assuming this is already being worked on though.
  • I wish you could rotate your character in the character customization screen
  • I'd like it if you could toggle scrolling the mouse moving on to your second row of the toolbar off.

Despite the game being in early access, I can't recommend it enough!
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