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28.1 hrs on record (4.6 hrs at review time)
This is a game for people who love fishing minigames, dress-up, and being silly with friends :3c
Posted 20 October, 2024.
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47.3 hrs on record (46.8 hrs at review time)
If you love seeing bishies suffer and enjoy peak mid 00s edge - this is the game for you.
Posted 6 October, 2024.
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48.0 hrs on record (14.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Fields of Mistria has its own, unique feeling

This game is a breath of fresh air when it comes to farming sims. The whole time I've been playing it, it has felt as if I was playing Fields of Mistria, and not yet another Stardew Valley or Harvest Moon copy. The passion and expertise on farming sims behind the team who made this game can be felt. There are so many quality of life features and interesting mechanics that actually have an effect on the gameplay.

Here are some miscellaneous highlights of what I've especially enjoyed so far:
  • The map system! You can see NPCs on the map and which path leads where, and switch between maps as if they were little tabs in your journal. Easy to use AND cute
  • If an NPC goes into a building before you, you don't need to open/interact with the door, you can just walk straight in after them!
  • Your tool reach with the starting tools isn't just a square around you, can reach two squares from you if it's up/down or left/right
  • Your stamina doesn't go down if you use a tool wrong. For example, if you accidentally hit a stone with an axe
  • You can customize your character at any time. Including name, pronouns, and farm name. On top of that, the clothes you unlock go straight into your character customization screen so changing them is super easy and doesn't take up inventory space. You can even save presets!
  • NPCs comment on your museum donations :')
  • The NPCs have as much depth as your average farming sim but they're all distinct from each other and have not only interesting designs but seasonal outfits.
  • Your character does a little peace sign pose after catching something. Very cute!
  • If you craft something, the items needed for it don't have to be in your inventory. It's enough for them to be in a chest and you can toggle chests on/off for crafting
  • Combat is SUPER fun! Meeting a new enemy type always feels like a mini puzzle. There are enemies that only start attacking you when your back is turned or enemies whose projectiles you can hit back a them!
  • Speaking of combat, dying being so punishing makes you utilize the cooking skill a lot more than usual in farming sims. It's refreshing to see a game with so many mechanics that actually have an effect on how the game is played

Some minor feedback:
  • Im not the biggest fan of how your starting clothes are very modern even though you're supposed to be an adventurer in a fantasy world and everyone else is dressed very fantasyesque. Though maybe that's exactly what the devs were going for idk!
  • It would be cool (and great for my wrist) if you could map extra mouse buttons (as in those found on mouses with extra buttons on the side etc.) into the controls. Especially with how I enjoy Charged and repeated tool uses to be different mechanics, but it's kind of a pain switching between them if I can do one with the mouse but not the other.
  • It would be nice if there was an option to fill a chest or nearby chests if you have the same items in your inventory. Also grabbing half of a stack or holding down to grab multiple would make inventory management a lot nicer in my opinion (and also once again keep people playing for longer before wrist pain becomes an issue from the clicking haha).
  • Sometimes dialog lines are said in silly places. Celine asked me if I knew she works in the general store, and that I should say hi to her during her shifts there. She said this while behind the counter in the store. I'm assuming this is already being worked on though.
  • I wish you could rotate your character in the character customization screen
  • I'd like it if you could toggle scrolling the mouse moving on to your second row of the toolbar off.

Despite the game being in early access, I can't recommend it enough!
Posted 16 August, 2024. Last edited 16 August, 2024.
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32.9 hrs on record (31.7 hrs at review time)
the pieces that shape my soul have been forever altered
Posted 10 June, 2024.
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4 people found this review helpful
24.9 hrs on record (24.1 hrs at review time)
The price is a bit high for what the game is, yet I genuinely recommend playing it.

Lkyt might not be a mind-blowing masterpiece I'll be constantly thinking about for the rest of my life, but it's a solid, good, enjoyable experience!

Let's get what a lot of us are interested in hearing about out of the way first, and I don't want to sound like I'm some Dr. Yaoi or something here, but I need to talk about the sex. Some have said the sex scenes are dull, but I find them interesting from a character perspective. The characters of Lkyt stay consistent in every situation they're put in. Not once did I feel like they were acting out of character. And that includes the sex. Oftentimes BLs have every bit of characterization thrown out to window when it comes to the action but Lkyt does not disappoint in that aspect!

I like how our main character has his own kinks and other things he's really into, and it's very refreshing to not only see a main character who tops, but also seeing a smaller guy top guys bigger than him.

Not only that, but the sex scenes also felt lovingly crafted, I don't know how to put this eloquently, but, they felt appropriate for me to read as a man who enjoys other men, in the sense that, sometimes, BLs seem very much aimed only towards women readers.

Once you play through the game and unlock the staff comments - there's one comment in particular that resonated with me and I think it explains what I'm trying to say. It contains no spoilers about the game itself but I will still spoiler it for those who wish to avoid things you can't see until after you finish the game.

"If I could have had my way, I would have squeezed everyone's tits, slurped messily on their butts and nipples, put their ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on full display, complete with depiction of anal hair, and most of all, had way more scenes where the bottom comes just from his ass, but from a planning and character perspective, there just wasn't time."

Anyways enough about the sex. As I said, Lkyt's story is in no way mind-blowing, but the plot is still very beautiful and moving, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The pacing felt a bit rushed at times, but it didn't distract from the story at hand.

Lkyt's setting is interesting and has an imposing grim atmosphere, which does wonders for the story. The backgrounds are beautiful, and so are the CGs. Though, the character CGs did feel mildly repetitive at some points, as each character's battle CG is almost always the same. Despite that, the action scenes were incredibly well written, and I have nothing but high praise for them.

I really enjoyed how simple the choice system is, three character routes have a "good" and a "bad" ending (maybe more "true" and "neutral" than "good" and "bad"), and one has just the one. The settings still had an easy mode, that shows you which of the love interests corresponds the different choices. I think it's a neat feature.

Speaking of the settings - there are so many of them! Not enough to get you overwhelmed as keeping simple settings on is the default, but if you venture into the advanced settings, you can adjust pretty much everything in the game from the text window position to body hair to individual character voices and even their BG voices.

You also have access to a gallery, which shows you every single CG, and all of their variations you've seen so far. You even have a voice gallery, where you can save your favorite voice lines! That's so neat!

You do need to keep the mature content description in mind when buying this game though.

TL;DR selling points:
1. Men's tits <33
2. If you play through the entire game and all of the routes, you can see the cat of one of the developers in their staff comment!
3. This might be the game for you if you enjoy dark fantasy worlds filled with action, love, grief, and a feeling like that of a bittersweet memory of your first love, all plucking at your heartstrings. Buy it on sale though.
Posted 8 May, 2024.
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17.8 hrs on record (10.7 hrs at review time)
UuultraC is a stunning masterpiece, and one of the most underrated visual novels I know of. The game knows what the medium of a visual novel is capable of, and uses it to its full advantage.

I went into the game thinking I'd experience an average story that just looked pretty. But the writing struck a chord with me and there were plenty of times I had to pause and process how touching something I just read was. And the action scenes set my heart racing!

Not all of the chapters will be everyone's cup of tea, but despite that, UuultraC is overall a beautiful, enjoyable experience.
Posted 28 December, 2023.
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16.9 hrs on record (16.2 hrs at review time)
As others have mentioned, this game does need to be played with the dlc patch that restores original content. That being said, I highly recommend this to anyone who knows they like eroge horror!

The world of sweet pool is very interesting and the character clichés you'd expect are executed well. The story flows and reveals itself to the player at an ideal pace.

Even after well over a decade, this game reads as a classic and a staple of its genre.
Posted 26 December, 2023.
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4.6 hrs on record (1.9 hrs at review time)
This game had puzzles that were the perfect amount of challenging. The answers weren't glaringly obvious or far too easy, instead you had to think for a bit to solve them. But they still weren't too hard and they didn't feel tedious, they were just really logical and getting them correct felt good. I especially liked the puzzle with the logic gates!

The multiplayer felt straight up revolutionary compared to most escape games lol, i can't believe you can work on the same puzzle and view the same item with a friend at the same time!
Posted 8 March, 2023.
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16 people found this review helpful
30.5 hrs on record (29.7 hrs at review time)
I wish I could give half a thumb to this game instead of only choosing between yes/no for the recommendation. I'll break my review down by routes.

1st route. The game had me. I was intrigued by the mysteries around it all. The voice acting, visuals, music - they are all phenomenal. I was instantly hooked. And the dialogue was often funny. All I learned about Tamamori and the world and the characters around him, was riveting. As the story went on, I grew to really love the characters. Even the side characters all have interesting stories around them. It felt as if the game was specifically tailored to my tastes. I was in tears over Tamamori’s “Not really an interest. More like she’s just presenting herself as she’s meant to be” comment he made of Naoshi.
Now, to the rest of the route. Tamamori is an… interesting protagonist to say at least. I found him very enjoyable thorough most of the game. Some of his thoughts and fears really resonated with me. Parts of this route made me feel as if I were in an audience, together with numerous people, none of whose faces I could see, watching my cold, deceased body lay on an autopsy table, with my chest wide open, exposing my bright heart, contrasting the otherwise lifeless form I had. It’s beautiful.
As for the romance, it was charming. I thoroughly enjoyed it, can’t praise it enough. Minakami is a wonderful character. He felt so kind and forgiving, always doing things that made me fall in love with his character even more. Well, not always. I wasn’t feeling too enamored watching him stick a pen through his neck. Aside from all that, the romance in this route is wonderful. It felt like true endings in visual novels usually feel like. But this was just the start! I was so, so excited to see what the other routes had in store for me.
2nd route. Right off the bat, as much as I tried to dislike Kawase before this route, it didn’t work. I don’t understand why, but I love characters who are cold, maybe a bit cruel, but complete ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in any case. It’d be so satisfying to put them in their place. Ignoring that, this is once again a route with excellent character development and twists. It was heart wrenching to see why Kawase didn’t want to touch others, and how he protected Katou in his own way. It was refreshing to see that at the end of the route, Kawase has grown as a person while remaining who he is. This went to show, that character growth can be done without sacrificing a character’s entire personality and past. Beautiful!
3rd route. It is interesting at first. I enjoyed hearing more about Professor and Hanazawa’s relationship. Then it absolutely sucked. I did read the content warnings before playing, so I knew there would be nonconsensual scenes in this game, but I wasn’t expecting Hanazawa to be the one taking part in them. I hated Tamamori’s attitude towards it, it really doesn’t suit him at all. He should have never forgiven Hanazawa for what he did. After playing through this route, I was sure that this was the worst the game would offer me.
4th route. It’s nice. Professor’s a character I enjoy. He’s one of those “poor little meow meows”.  Once again, I liked learning about his past. He is very sweet, but I was fed up with Tamamori’s attitude towards him. It isn’t out of character for Tamamori though, so I let it slide. I’m not a big fan of time skips in most media, since they’re usually executed very poorly. The one in this route was alright. As I said, I really didn’t like how Tamamori was just using Professor for most of the route, but the ending is pretty sweet, and Tamamori did grow. The route isn’t bad, it isn’t mind blowing. It’s nice.

5th route – the final ending. Before going into this branch of the story, I was excited. Sure, I had just read one route that was average and one that was a huge disappointment on all parts, but this wouldn’t be like that, right? Wrong. What I expected was a happy, true ending. Maybe Tamamori, Minakami, and Kawase could have found happiness in each other, and completed the “daisy-chain”. That’s not what it was though.
First, “ooohh it was all a dream/hallucination/etc.” twists are always boring, soulless, and lack imagination. It was the worst outcome for the at first promising game. This game had already made me experience emotions beyond what my little man brain could handle, and now it’s throwing this at my face, as the biggest ♥♥♥♥ you of all. They made Tamamori act like the oldest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ person on the planet while being in his early thirties. That was weird already. As if that wasn’t enough, we finally met the notorious Kaoru. I was happy to see him happy at first. But then the writers had to completely mess up this part of the game too. Tamamori had met Kaoru when he was a child. Tamamori raised him as his own son. It was established, that they have a father-son relationship. That’s sweet, right? Wrong again! The game decided to end the route it had already covered in ♥♥♥♥, by adding incest. Who in their right mind, thinks, “Hey, here’s this child who lost everyone he ever knew to war, but some man was kind enough to take him under his wing, and be a father to him. Let’s make him this beast with insatiable lust. He should also talk in a very childlike manner and have sex with his father.” These writers apparently! This is the worst route I have ever played through in any visual novel. It was complete ♥♥♥♥ and changed my entire view on the game. I wish I could go back to not having experienced anything but the first two routes. The ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ worst.
So, in conclusion. If you have this game, maybe just play the first route and be done with it. Don’t even touch the last one unless you want to see writers destroy a beautiful world they worked so hard to build.
Posted 16 February, 2022.
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19.6 hrs on record (19.0 hrs at review time)
i would never in a million years recommend this game to anyone i know

1. Nostalgia
2. Clear is there :)
3. Intriguing themes about accepting yourself and others around you. Aoba has both the power to save and destroy people - and there's so much sacrifice in many of the bad endings. Like. how in Noiz' route he chooses to be content with the eternal pain and suffering just to see him happy. In the middle of the awkward writing and questionable story choices made by the team behind the game, (which are understandable for a game this old) there are beautiful themes and thoughts, with touching moments sprinkled in.

1. The entirety of Mink's route.
-> Not only is it nauseating to read, but he also downgrades his sexboots for the ugliest pair of cowboy shoes there are. I love cowboys as much as the next guy but what the actual ♥♥♥♥ is going on in here.

Edit: Idk why I originally gave this game a thumbs down. DMMD is a masterpiece in its genre and also visually stunning and I actually really enjoy playing it.
Posted 2 November, 2021. Last edited 26 December, 2023.
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