~Welcome To My Profile Page~

Information about me:
0. I am multilingual language user
1. My interests are PC building, gaming, watching YT, Anime and more!!!:steamthumbsup:
2. I like Asian and European dishes.
3. For a long time I haven't touched grass...:csgoskull:
4. I started wondering why "fun" is not the same "fun" I've experienced as a small child while playing games. (Ngl, I miss those days when I was really hyped to play games after school but now as a High School Student I just want peace).
5. I want to graduate High School and College ASAP and fullfill my needs.
6. I also started to mull over about one thing.
"Why do I have to get a new PC?"

Workshop Showcase
245 ratings
Created by - 在下魅魔小星怒
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