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Publicada: 6 mar. 2020 às 20:32

An amazing game I always come back to. Be ready to sit down and really put some grind time in but it's worth it. That being said, realize what you build will- WILL be destroyed. But that's part of the beauty. You are forced to get more and more creative with your traps and unique placements. Take time to explore the world because they put alot of time and effort into it and it really is beautiful. If you're lost, don't be afraid to check out a getting started guide or a quick explanation of the mechanics. I played this for years before I knew how the AI worked and I feel like i could have survived alot longer had I known. Overall a fantastic survival game which made my heart pound out of my chest more than a few times. If you're ready to sink some hours into a well made, absolutely beautiful survival horror, this should be the next one you play. Highly recommend
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