Falk 23 ott, ore 10:32 
Kуrva bober
FLANKSTER 24 giu, ore 9:58 
The grunt blocked your headshot, luck is on your side today
Slayder 10 ott 2023, ore 15:29 
passion 9 ago 2023, ore 4:43 
+rep wyzywa przeciwników
.. 14 mag 2023, ore 14:31 
27Vimsig 10 mag 2023, ore 13:54 
wonszrzeczny 27 apr 2023, ore 12:30 
Wlodar 22 apr 2023, ore 1:32 
27Vimsig 20 mar 2023, ore 23:01 
Have a nice day. :crown1:

Is there possibility to get a like & fav below my newest guide? Thanks :wnheart:
Niemiec 29 gen 2023, ore 8:50 
Pozdro od niemca
Ruda 26 gen 2023, ore 4:16 
Pozdrawiam widza! Signed by Ruda <3
27Vimsig 24 dic 2022, ore 5:52 
𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖞 𝖝𝖒𝖆𝖘 :crown1:
15 ago 2022, ore 8:13 
+rep po prostu szef
MrKUNIOLD 27 lug 2022, ore 10:33 
Pozdrawiam zawodnika <3
Hiratoshi 22 giu 2022, ore 7:02 
+rep super ziomo i potężny gracz, pozdrawiane jest <3
Pisicela 26 mag 2022, ore 8:37 
Janek melduje się na profilu! Proponuje podpisy tych borowików na dole skasować :D
VgZ 29 apr 2022, ore 4:57 
hejo <3
N0rth 12 apr 2022, ore 13:24 
First podpis here!