The most dangerous Spirit ever known (she/they)
"I want his power. I want to make him mine and become one with him."
Kirjautunut ulos
Harvinaisin saavutus -esittely
C4ndYSh0P 30.11.2021 klo 11.46 
+rep my true waifu
yoghurt 29.11.2021 klo 13.31 
+rep speaks czech
PsyBob Überdosis 12.11.2021 klo 18.28 
Nearly global <3
Thabibi Tentuckel 12.11.2021 klo 18.27 
cs Waifu :csgoa:
Hello_There 25.12.2020 klo 11.31 
Very patient
Viktor 28.10.2018 klo 16.23 