PrincessOzaline TTV
She/Her (trans), small twitch streamer, antisemites, anti-trans, anti-queer, anti-Black and other bigots GTFO.
PrincessOzaline TTV 29 ธ.ค. 2015 @ 9: 11pm 
That's fine, this is the first time I'm bothering to try and make badge, I'll get it though.
Number 6™ 29 ธ.ค. 2015 @ 8: 55pm 
Sorry, I only have a single #11. Not trying to be a jerk!
Number 6™ 6 ธ.ค. 2012 @ 9: 24am 
NCsoft closed down Dungeon Runners, which was pretty much Diablo meets Monkey Island, and Exteel, an animé-inspired mech shooter which was AWESOME. I made a Shockwave and an Optimus Prime and they rocked hard. I was very pissed at them for closing them, but I understand the financial reasons to do so: neither were profitable. But for CoH, I just don't get it... Maybe the competition from DC's online game going free-to-play had a hand in it?
Number 6™ 5 ธ.ค. 2012 @ 5: 06pm 
I still don't get why they closed CoH. Wasn't it profitable?
Number 6™ 4 ธ.ค. 2012 @ 2: 08pm 
Hope you're digging the Champions!
Laurelai 23 มิ.ย. 2012 @ 11: 05pm 
add sent :3