METH SLAM '91 25 dic 2015, ore 9:56 
a real human bean.
MrWyzzerd 7 set 2015, ore 22:16 
Needs more tactical mullet.
Ben Bernanke 28 ott 2014, ore 19:29 
OldFatherDad 9 lug 2014, ore 0:17 
Ty for the Borderlands games and things!
Gobbler in a Hat 20 lug 2012, ore 22:11 
Why am I only supposed to get the Witcher 2? Is it not a continuous story?
Otter in a Boot 4 lug 2011, ore 19:09 
i want a summer ticket. so HI
Otter in a Boot 24 dic 2010, ore 14:01 
invite me to the westhallian group grasshole
redshirtwookiee 31 lug 2010, ore 15:56 
Hey Karl! Do you have Starcraft 2 yet?