ルルーシュ·ランペルージ   United States
An interesting fellow
█ ISeeFire █

群山之下,迷雾之眼。Oh Misty Eye Of The Mountain Below
悉心哨卫,吾等魂灵。Keep Careful Watch Of My Brothers' Souls
烈焰浓烟,蔽日之时。And Should The Sky Be Filled With Fire And Smoke
护佑吾等,杜林子孙。Keep Watching Over During Sons

今之所欲,若为焦土。If This To The End In Fire
生死契阔,与汝同焚。Then We Shall All Burn Together
望火舌熊熊,吞噬长夜。Watch The Flames Climb Higher, Into The Night
唤吾先祖,与汝并肩。Calling Out Father Oh, Stand By And We Will
望漫山遍野,尽绽红莲。Watch The Flames Burn On And On, The Mountainside

今夜之别,若为永诀。And If We Should Die Tonight
生死契阔,与汝同穴。We Should All Die Together
举杯共饮,盛筵难再。Raise A Glass Of Wine, For The Last Time
唤吾先祖,与汝待旦。Calling Out Father Oh, Prepare As We Will
望漫山遍野,尽绽红莲。Watch The Flames Burn On And On, The Mountainside

望凄然萧索,苍穹显现。Desolation Comes Upon The Sky
吾见烈焰,坳中熊熊。Now I See Fire, Inside The Mountain
吾见烈焰,席卷山林。I See Fire, Burning The Trees
吾见烈焰,灼魂噬魄。And I See Fire, Hollowing Souls
吾见烈焰,如风饮血。I See Fire, Blood In The Breeze
祈望汝等,铭记吾名。And I Hope That You Remember Me

袍泽前仆,吾将后继。Oh Should My People Fall then, Surely I Will Do The Same
屹立石厅,独当烈焰。Comfined In The Mountain Halls We, Got Too Close To The Flame
唤吾先祖,与汝坚守。Calling Out Father Oh, Hold Fast And We Will
望漫山遍野,尽绽红莲。Watch The Flames Burn On And On, The Mountainside
望凄然萧索,苍穹显现。Desolation Comes Upon The Sky

火海燎长夜,吾自遮双眼。And If The Night Is Buring, I Will Cover My Eyes
黑暗归厅堂,袍泽皆黄泉。For If The Dark Returns, Then My Brothers Will Die
苍穹终崩坍,孤镇倾残垣。And As The Sky Is Falling Down, Crashing Into This Loneyly Town
阴影遮四壁,哀号遍焦原。And With That Shadow Upon The Groud I, Hear My People Screaming out

吾见烈焰,掠地焚城灼吾目。I See Fire, (Oh You know I Saw A City Burning)
吾见烈焰,火舌炙炙噬吾肤。I See Fire, (Feel The Heat Upon My Skin)
吾见烈焰,漫山遍野绽红莲。And I See Fire Burn On And On, The Mountainside

Rarest Achievement Showcase
耐摔王✈Misaki 30 Jun @ 3:20am 
大家能教教 nina 怎么骂人吗,每次骂人 nina 都觉得不好意思。
瓦塔西 ,捏紧了拳头,憋红了黏,最后只能小声的说一句:


nina:我一般不骂直接上去打 :nerov::2016villain:
GuardiaN_ 1 Nov, 2019 @ 6:16am 
i love you
Arolank 11 Oct, 2019 @ 8:17am 
please remeber me
don't forget
my friend : ):steamsad: