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Останні рецензії користувача Ottah

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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 6
1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
15.1 год. загалом (12.5 год на момент рецензування)
Boring is probably the best word to describe this game.

Every mission is the same, it doesn't matter which one you play, there is no difference.
I liked the game in the beginning for its great atmosphere and coop action but it got boring very quickly even though I only played it in coop with 3 friends which is usually always enjoyable. I even like similiar games like this (L4D, KF) and have played them for many hours but I already have enough of Vermintide. It lacks the depth that these other games have.

The combat doesn't feel good either, it just isn't fun and rewarding to kill hordes of the same enemies over and over again and the combat is way too simple. It's very shallow.
Sadly the progression system doesn't help either, it's very basic and RNG based.

There are also quite a few bugs which can ruin your experience and you will sometimes have problems with disconnecting hosts as there are no dedicated servers yet.

At least the visuals are really nice and capture the Warhammer feeling very well. It's also running very smoothly and has 21:9 ultra wide support!

Vermintide 2 is not a terrible game but it's just too repetitive and dull that I can't recommend it.

Додано 23 березня 2018 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 6
6.1 год. загалом
There is really not much to say about this game because it is so incredibly boring.

God Eater is basically a Monster Hunter clone but not a very good one.

The game has zero variety and every mission is the same. You always fight the exact same monsters in very limited areas which repeat themselves over and over again. Fighting the same monster again simply isn't fun in this game because the combat mechanics are so boring. Every monster (there aren't many different ones anyway) feels the same and combat is very simple. There aren't any mechanics which make the combat interesting and fun. Fighting Monster X for the 10th time gets boring extremely quickly, they don't look good either. Even online coop with a friend didn't help. It might get better later in the game but after 6 hours we had enough.

The story is absolute garbage. The story telling is bad, the plot could have been written by a 10 year old and the characters are just silly anime cliche characters. You have to endure a lot of it though because the game is actually full of cutscenes. I already forgot everything the game wanted to tell me, that's how uninteresting and meaningless it was.

This concept might have worked 8 years ago on the PSP when you are on the go but nowadays on a big screen it just doesn't work.

I have to admit that it's a very good port though. The game has many graphic options, no FPS lock and I didn't encounter and technical problems. Online coop worked flawlessly too.

There are just so many better games you could play instead and that is why you shouldn't waste your precious time with God Eater.
Додано 13 березня 2018 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 13 березня 2018 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 7
24.7 год. загалом (24.3 год на момент рецензування)
I actually enjoy playing this game with some friends but I still have to thumb it down.


It has zero depth. Every match ist the same. You will have to repair 5 generators, escape and that's it. There is nothing more to this game. The gameplay is very repetitive and there is nothing to mix things up.

The map rotation is terrible too, you will see the same maps over and over again even though there are quite a few of them. Many of them are also very similiar in design.

The community can be really toxic and the matchmaking is very bad. You will sometimes get hosts with very high pings (it's a P2P system) and the whole match will be unplayable. Everything will have a huge delay and you and the killer will be teleporting.

Many killers and survivors are locked behind a paywall. There are already 12 DLCs you can buy.

The main reason why I have to downvote this game are the graphic options though.

I have nevery seen a game with such limited graphic options. Even the worst console ports have more to offer than this game. You can't specifically change the resolution (it apparently used to work in the past via config editing but they patched it out). It's a huge problem because I use a 21:9 ultrawide monitor and the game has terrible 21:9 support. The image is cropped and VERT-. I can actually see less than a 16:9 user on my screen and the FOV is horrendous. The FOV can't be changed either, it used to work with a config edit in the past as well but also got patched out.

While there are more games that don't support 21:9, this one is the worst. Usually you can just switch to a 16:9 resolution in a game and enjoy the game with black bars. This game does NOT let you change the resolution. I can't even play in a 16:9 resolution, I am FORCED to play this in 21:9 with VERT- and terrible FOV. It's disgusting.

I can recommend it for some sessions with friends. It's a good game to play inbetween or when you don't have much time but be aware of the many issues it has.
Додано 11 березня 2018 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 4
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 6
83.4 год. загалом (80.0 год на момент рецензування)
Drachenball. Das ist in Wahrheit ein Produkt der Gambas.

Mitten im Ozean, tief unter dem Meer haben die Gambas vor vielen Jahren in einem großen Unterwasser-Rat die Kleinkinderserie "Drachenball" erfunden. Die Sitzung dauerte wohl gut 32 Stunden.

Unter Wasser konnte sich Drachenball nie großer Popularität erfreuen, also haben sie es gleich an Land exportiert und diese Katastrophe den Japanern in die Schuhe geschoben. Die Gambas feiern damit noch heute einen großen Erfolg und sind hauptverantwortlich dafür, dass das Meer trotz Ölkrisen noch blühen kann. Große Summen der Drachenball-Einnahmen werden noch heute in die Infrastruktur des Meeres investiert. Auch bei dem Xenoversum 2 haben die Gambas sicherlich Ihre Finger im Spiel, da der Einfluss der Unterwasserkultur stets im Spiel zu spüren ist. Merkbar auch an den blauen Haaren, denen man häuftig begegnet. Blau wie das Meer.

Mir ist es unbegreiflich wie heute noch jeder den fernen Osten für dieses Tiefseeprodukt lobt und man gänzlich den Einfluss, welchen die Meeresbewohner auf uns haben ignoriert. Gambas sind in der Gesellschaft angekommen. Es ist nicht mehr 1492. Anstatt von ihnen zu speisen, sollten wir gegenseitig voneinander lernen.

So viel zur Vorgeschichte. Nun ein detaillierter Testbericht zum Spiel:

Ist gut. 7/10
Додано 11 березня 2018 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 3
3.6 год. загалом
10/10 tabletop simulator
Додано 4 вересня 2017 р..
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