Cotton Headed Ninnymuggins
Shelby Patrick Jones   Lexington-fayette, Kentucky, United States
I am old

===Archived for posterity==
I am the owner of Omega Squid Studios. I make all kinds of websites, videos, computer games, graphics and more!

Just graduated from the University of Kentucky. Trying to make a career in technology, environmental studies, biology, and development. It's going to be interesting, but I've got some time on my hands once more (I have to catch up on gaming here!)

I love everything Valve makes, as well as other classics like Plants vs. Zombies, etc. Since I am busy, I usually play the 'lighter' games, and when I am free, I frag 'til I drop on the FreeFrag servers, yo. Don't hate if you get killed by my Scottish Resistance, Frying Pan, or Holy Mackerel -that's just life telling you that you were unfit to play the game. =P

When it's not TF2 time, I love RTS and 4X games. Civ 5 and AoE2HD are going to be getting some serious playtime from me. I'm not the greatest player in the game, but I would love to play with people I know versus a computer. I always try diplomacy first, but it always comes back to bite me and everyone gets nuked...

Check out some of my work at


Omega Squid

Cotton Headed Ninnymuggins


Omega Squid Studios []
FreeFrag HLstats [] - apparently defunct now =(
Personal Site/Portfolio/Resume []
Cotton Headed Ninnymuggins 8 ส.ค. 2012 @ 1: 59pm 
Word man
Secret 7 ส.ค. 2012 @ 3: 52pm 
We should play TF2 again some time when you're not busy with college. :(
Cotton Headed Ninnymuggins 7 ส.ค. 2012 @ 3: 43pm 
True that man, college is hella busy
Secret 5 ส.ค. 2012 @ 10: 04am 
Nothin, haven't talked to you in a loooong time.
Cotton Headed Ninnymuggins 3 ส.ค. 2012 @ 9: 28pm 
Nothing much man you?
Secret 3 ส.ค. 2012 @ 2: 32pm 