Bristol, Bristol, City of, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
two fists for two lips
Скорошна дейност
12,4 изиграни часа
последно пускане 7 ноем.
48 изиграни часа
последно пускане 7 ноем.
720 изиграни часа
последно пускане 7 ноем.
jim the cooker 5 ноем. в 1:34 
c'est un brave chevalier d'roi argon II

salut les petits jolis gars
almighty 16 окт. в 19:44 
wait, wait, wait.... hold your horses... uhm... YOU'RE A GIRL GAMER?!!?! O_O Not to be a freak but.. just when I thought you couldn't get more attractive.. you started playing video games. Nicely done, m'lady. You've just become every man's dream woman. If you had missed a couple before, now you can be sure you've got us ALL "drooling", lol.
almighty 14 окт. в 23:05 
bri ish
almighty 21 септ. в 16:28 
discord kitten
jim the cooker 8 септ. в 16:10 
the killer from the town inbetween texas, arkansas, and the washington river so called "wanker" cowboy workcamp tool with polish nails and czech it out origins
world renown paralympics champion, degree in fahrenheit and university of celsius conspicious
elephant in the room extracted from files of fbi, atf, nsa and nas
pounds? 300 pounds 85 miles
forty two hundred pounds of siamese sod sent to my house
went to the park bench with rangers over there it was absolutely revolutionary mate
Coronavirusov 6 септ. в 19:48 
you realy stupid animal