Morluril 17 nov. à 11h08 
send a friend request
Szabó Balázs 14 sept. à 3h31 
+rep jumped off the map after cluthing the 1v1
Justerfinn-DK 12 sept. à 7h17 
-rep. clearly a cheater account with aim hack and wall hack. fake profile.
76561199623983280 11 sept. à 2h00 
dodaj do znaj prosze, mam pytanie
nwm dlaczego nie moge dodac z maina
Möhköfantti 10 sept. à 8h27 
Sure bro, because its a game for toxic players like you? Shooting teammates, toxic in chat/voice. Maybe some growing up would be nice.
Got 29 aout à 8h04 
+rep killer instinct