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Publicada: 15/abr./2024 às 20:31
Atualizada: 20/abr./2024 às 13:11

- + - 🏮🎉🏮🎉 My Journey review 🎉🏮🎉🏮- + -

Journey is one of my favourite games of all time. Each stage of the game feels like you are experiencing a different stage of life, and I love everything about it! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

1.🏮) from the 1 companion you can only have at all times, to the lack of communication somehow making it since you have to get creative with the other persons and therefore feel closer for making the effort, you can go through the entire game with them which is adorable asf. ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)
2.🏮) your cape changes depending on how many journeys you complete! KINDA COOL ⭐
3.🏮) the story tells of war of life and all too real international relations... ( •_• )
4.🏮) there is really cute ribbon creatures~ o(*°▽°*)o
5.🏮) BEAUTIFUL SCENERY!! The ending is so adorable, I love how the war machines come up with you to heaven and ascend into whales~~ ♥♥♥┗( T﹏T )┛♥♥♥♥
6.🏮) drawing in the sand and snow with people!!!!ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
7.🏮) the variety of the stages! they all have very different areas and are all interesting in their own way, keeping the game fresh and exciting! \(@^▽^@)/

I definitely recommend you giving it a shot if any of that sounds good to you! ♪(´▽`)


Anyways o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ Here's my Journey story:

I played back in around 2013 as a kid on my sisters PS3. I found myself coming back daily to meet other explorers and to hear the beautiful soundtrack matched. So many cool adventures with randoms and their different play styles. The out-of-bounds explorations were just as awesome as the inbounds. It was a nice adventure for a kid living feeling isolated in apartments in a big city.

Later my sister moved away, so I couldn't play anymore. Eventually, I got my own PS3 in 2014, and returned to playing.

All the years following I would play again from time to time to experience, and honestly also to relax when life was getting a bit too crazy, I could always come back to Journey and get a small moment of relief. The strange bubble of solitude, the sands remind me of the warmth of the beaches in Australia where the sand was always warm to touch. It was a sort of meditation now I realize, looking back, and I'm grateful for that.

Later on I saw Journey was on PC, and it saved me pulling my old PS3 out. I was so excited, I got back into the game like I did when I was a kid, and drawing in the final stages of the game in the snow with a stranger.

I met one of my best life friends ElektrykOliG (Oli) through the Journey Discord, we would play together and we created a friend group together - Come Chat. Even though it is years later and everybody has split off and gone their own ways, we (Me & Oli) reunite every so often, and it is nice to catch up w/ him and his lovely partner. Not only them, I met others such as Kit through the game, who was always kind and sweet to chat to. Journey and Sky: Children of the Light also helped strengthen connections with others, by going through the game and journeying together, and I will always value the opportunity.

Whether or not I was a kid playing the game with absolutely no connections, or whether I was an adult playing with 100s of connections and just needing a break, the game was always relieving to come back to, with no words and just beautiful scenery and an amazing soundtrack to relax with. Its a moment of peace or no matter if you live in an empty or crazy world, and maybe find a companion to enjoy it with along the way. Its in a way helped me realise the importance of connections, and Journey will always hold a special place in my heart for that.

With the current $3 sale I spent way too much over $3 for friends, and I am excited to complete the Journey with them! :D
🏮🎉 Thank you for the awesome game! 🎉🏮

⚠️My only recommendation:⚠️
Please add an option to join friends!!!! With some friends overseas it is near impossible.... (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠) Pleaseeeeee add this. 🙏
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4 comentário(s)
Izzy! 17/jul./2024 às 20:11 
Yisyis! <3
lolololololol7845 16/mai./2024 às 8:50 
Goofy ass game:steambored::steambored::steamfacepalm:
Raz 28/abr./2024 às 17:22 
Normies go despwan! 20/abr./2024 às 2:08 
haha wow haha! hee hee hee