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31 people found this review helpful
1.5 hrs on record
I'm simply not recommending this game because it just wasn't worth the money in my opinion. If you're interested in game design, humor and a good story this game is perfect for you, but it just didn't deliver in depth for the price. I went through the entire game and every possible outcome only 90 mins into the game, without even speed rushing or trying to go fast. To give you a reference, this game is about 1/4 as long as the first Portal game. There is even an achievement you can unlock for speed rushing one of the multiple endings in under 4 mins and 22 secs. REALLY? 4 MINS TO BEAT THE GAME?!?! I know there's multiple endings, but jesus christ. I'm not trying to bash this game, I thought it was amazing to be frank. I just feel the $15 I paid didn't live up to its expectations, this is also the type of game where once you did all outcomes it just won't be the same going through the game again because there's no puzzle solving, objectives or things to do. Well like I said, I played this game for about 90 mins and I'm pretty damn sure I did every outcome and after about the 4th or 5th time going back it gets to the point of being more of a job rather than a game. The only thing good about this game is the narrator's voice and how he pronounces Stanley's name. To be honest I'm actually glad it's over, it's so repetitive and annoying it practically has a lenny face written all over it. They should call it "The ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Parable".
Posted 17 December, 2013. Last edited 20 December, 2013.
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