7 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
Non recommandé
0.0 h au cours des 2 dernières semaines / 6.4 h en tout
Évaluation publiée le 26 oct. 2020 à 13h56
Produit reçu gratuitement

The physics are pretty bad, sound design is bordering on insane, and the puzzles are mediocre. I did not finish the story, but it was relatively cliche from the get go.
The game was free on Humble and was described as a puzzle platformer similar in scope and complexity to the Portal games. While this is mostly true Magrunner falls short by trying to be more story driven while somehow being less polished than the older game. The cubes used in the puzzles are neither cute nor physically accurate. When dropped while running or falling the cube seems to reset it's physical state to start at rest and then realize gravity is a thing and start falling.
Sound design left me irritated more often than immersed, as many of the effects are short and repetitive, and the ambient sounds suffer the same. Background music, where present, clashed with the visual themes presented and did little to enhance the tone of the levels.
Puzzle complexity and size was all over the board and did not follow any progression or arc in the way Portal manages to do. I realize that is a very high bar, but visual cues indicating resources or objects were lacking in many of the later puzzles, and made many of them feel contrived and intentionally obtrusive.
The final straw which got the game uninstalled was the camera shake on the level "The Outsider"; while , forcibly at a distance, the camera is shaking in a pseudo-random but repeated pattern, compounding the audio annoyances.
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