Gmod13 - Possibly the worst update in the history of updates
Honestly, this Gmod13 update has boned pretty much every aspect of the game that I use.

- Old Saves seem to be incompatible with Gmod13. Hundreds of hours of constructions and inventions are now sat in useless

- Almost every single addon prop or ragdoll that I have either no longer shows up in Gmod or now has texture problems. I read somewhere I have to rename all the 'info.txt' files to 'addon.txt' Why on earth should I have to manually do that to hundreds of addon folders?

- About 50% of all my installed extra maps now have 'purple texture' syndrome. Thanks for ruining them.

- No straightforward way of saving your work as you go. Genius....

- The options tab when you press the 'Q' key is now blank. The old options, such as 'hide Physgun beam' are not there anymore. If they are still there somewhere can someone please tell me as I haven't found them yet.

- The post processing tab has also gone when you press the 'Q' key. Is it gone permanently? I have no idea, but I can't find it anymore, so no nice depth of field effects on my screenshots atm.

- Pretty much every additional stool I use no longer works on Gmod13. Bodygroup changers, Anim tools, prop resizer, inflators, remote cameras.... all gone. Using finger posing makes the hand disappear on my model....that's really useful.....

I upload plenty of movie creations on Youtube, but it seems Gmod has now been totally sabotaged and I am being forced to learn Source Filmmaker from this point on.

Please, please tell me this update is going to be fixed BIG and fixed SOON, as right now Gmod13 is wasting space on my Hard Drive and just begging to be permanently removed.

Sn1pe: lol
Sn1pe: so raged
Sn1pe: he killed a t
Sn1pe: and he said he was proven
Sn1pe: so i killed him
Sn1pe: and jumped off a cliff
Doug: hahahhahah
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