
Noctoris 最近的评测

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TL;DR 2.5/10, only buy if you like laughing at bad movies etc.

After having this game with my name in the title recommended relentlessly to me, and seeing as it was only £2, I decided to buy it thinking "How can I go wrong? It's only £2." If only I had known.

You start up the game and it immediately hits you with a generic looking background to the title, but I've had fun with other VNs with similar backgrounds before.
The next thing that really stands out is the godawful grammar and spelling. I understand that the devs aren't native English speakers, but they should have had an English native proofread it for them, as many of the mistakes are glaring issues that should have been caught before a retail release.
The characters are so shallow that I would hesitate to even call them cliches, with only three characters with full body portraits plus the protagonist (Jake), who appears in the bottom left in the same black tee throughout. The character art is honestly some of the worst I've seen in any visual novel, with inconsistent design between the four characters, which could be forgiven if they had a range of emotions or poses to convey, but they are completely static outside of the occasional outfit change for the girls.
The story is about as generic as you can get for a high school romance visual novel, with basically no conflict outside of doing school work, and despite that I still can't understand some character motivations.
This visual novel is marketed as a parody comedy, however, I feel like the devs are confusing lampshading with comedy, as all it comes down to is the girl who likes anime remarking how much events are like anime.
The soundtrack is okay, but I'm not going to want to listen to it elsewhere, like some of the greats, and it'll probably just end up mixed up with the many other VN OSTs I know in my mind.

Overall I'd give this a 2.5/10, as much as I think this game is absolutely horrible, I can't exactly hate it, nor can I say I had no fun, as I enjoyed going for a full a-hole run. I'd say if you want to laugh at how bad something is, a la The Room, pick this game up, it's bad, but I don't regret buying it.
发布于 2018 年 3 月 26 日。 最后编辑于 2018 年 3 月 26 日。
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一名开发者在 2018 年 3 月 27 日 上午 12:34 作出回复 (查看回复)
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