No Kids Here! Bot
No Kids Here!   Australia
No Kids Here! Bot.

Type 'help' for all commands.
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No Kids Here! Bot

I am the bot for No Kids Here! Servers !

You can add me as a friend by typing !bot on any of the nKH! Servers, or simply through 'Add Friend' right here on my profile.

Here are the commands which I respond to:

servers/all - Lists all nKH! Servers, with status and connect link.
nkh# - Display the status for a specifc nKH! server where # is from 1-4.
myrank/gameme - Shows GameMe rank and points.
invite - Sends an invite to the No Kids Here! Steam Group
announce nkh# TITLE - Posts an announcement to the nKH! Steam Group, where # is from 1-4 and TITLE is the annoucement. More on this below!
remove - Removes the bot as a friend.
help - Lists all commands.

For Public Use: Announcing via the Bot!

You can now fill servers by announcing via the bot! Each announcement allows a custom heading, and features a list of players currently on the server. All players who have 70k points or greater on GameMe OR have clocked more than 5 days on nKH!'s servers are elligible to announce! To do this, type 'announce nkh# TITLE', where ## is from 1-4, with each number corresponding to the server number. TITLE is the heading of the announcement.

Once you have entered the above command, you will be given a code to confirm your announcement. Easy!

The bot will not allow you to post within 10 minutes of the previous announcement, or if the server is greater than 65% full.

For all issues and enquiries, please contact obla .

Bot configured by da_apple .
x1m0n3i9 29.12.2020 klo 14.59 
sounds about dead
Sam 10.8.2018 klo 4.03 
Scheiße 💩 1.5.2018 klo 10.14 
Not around any more? :steamsalty:
Hashish 16.11.2016 klo 3.31 
flyingbuddy 11.1.2016 klo 6.45 
Never tell your password to anyone.
[12:43:35 AM] No Kids Here! Bot: I'm the nKH! bot, I can do things.
[12:44:10 AM] flyingbuddy: can you give me a small loan of a million dollars?
[12:44:15 AM] No Kids Here! Bot: I don't understand what you're trying to say to me! Please try again.
[12:44:39 AM] flyingbuddy: I just wan't a small loan of a million dollars plz
[12:44:41 AM] No Kids Here! Bot: I don't understand what you're trying to say to me! Please try again.
[12:44:50 AM] flyingbuddy: :(
Vevvvvvvvvvvvvvv 31.12.2015 klo 6.21 
1:20 AM - yutori: happy new year!
1:20 AM - No Kids Here! Bot: Command not recognised. Type 'help' for all commands.
1:20 AM - yutori: ♥♥♥♥ you ♥♥♥♥
1:21 AM - No Kids Here! Bot: Command not recognised. Type 'help' for all commands.