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Скорошни рецензии на Caruso

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38.6 изиграни часа
The sun rises on an occupied earth. Humanity is herded like sheep at the mercy of alien overloads, spewing propaganda. Genetic research and manipulation of humans, who've been blinded by their overlords, are of the aliens' most insignificant sins. They have been searching for something they do not have, and in humans they found it. Combining various alien species with human DNA, soldiers were manufactured with one purpose: to follow the Elders' every command. Hope, however, is not out of sight. A world wide resistance sees through the lies of Elders, and at the head of this movement is you, the Commander. Through your careful leadership, humanity can be saved, but at the cost of lives.

Nah, for real though this game was solid. The strategic turn based combat was not dull, and as time went on new abilities allowed for new strategies. I'd never personally played a game like this, in that I controlled individual soldiers on a battlefield, but I do enjoy turn-based strategy games. I'd say if you enjoy games such as Sid Meier's Civilization, you will most definitely enjoy this one. I'd give this game an overall 8/10.
Публикувана 13 август 2018.
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95.8 изиграни часа (1.7 часа по време на рецензията)
Watched people play the game. Loved it, so I bought it. I would recomend this game to any person looking for a rouge-like game.
Публикувана 6 април 2015.
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