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Recent reviews by Flāvius Stilichō

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20.1 hrs on record (10.0 hrs at review time)
Better than the first part of the game but has it special ussues. For example this game optimization bad af, don't trust the minimal requires. Also the game provides such experiences as kicking by anti-cheat without a reason or any other possible error u can imagine. Nevertheless I reccomend this game with and hope on future fixes because aside of technical part the game worth it's money (when it's on sale LMAO)
Posted 26 November, 2021.
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988.8 hrs on record (708.9 hrs at review time)
This game is laggy, anti-cheat can kick u for nothing, sometimes u can spent hours fighting for ENTER THIS GAME but somehow it's nice and most part of community are nice. Highly (un)recommended <3
Posted 19 April, 2020.
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198.1 hrs on record (13.5 hrs at review time)
Цудоўная гульня, але мае трошкі багаў ды патрабуе модаў, каб сапраўды адчуць асалоду ад гульні
Posted 24 January, 2020. Last edited 30 May, 2021.
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435.2 hrs on record (151.4 hrs at review time)
In my opinion this TW is one of the game I ever played. I never thought that this historical time can be such interesting and bewitching. This is that kind of TW that I especially like: there is no that annoying new mechanics that didn't make game more hard. It is simple to understand but hard to realise!) Metropolitan systems and colonies, trade and unions is simple and I can say that in this TW is actually working! You can make a greate economy in small country and it can be worst in the world even if you already colonized half the world. I really reccomend to buy this game but I should warn you first: it was really brave for Creative Assembly to make TW like this. There is no tech, naval battles and small regions before this is all new mechanics and you can meet a lot of bugs in game but ometimes it can makes you smile and it can't break your company because it easy to understand wich moves lead to one or another bug and you will understand and avoid it with time. So, there is so much words I said but the point is that I recommend this game to buy!
Posted 27 June, 2018.
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