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Odemčeno 25 z 47 (53 %) achievementů:
Osobní achievementy

"Gets the aggressions out, doesn't it?"

Use the hole punch.
Odemčeno 3. kvě. 2023 v 11.19

"It's like I'm not happy unless I'm breathing in the thick, black, nauseating fumes..."

Talk to Glottis about cravings.
Odemčeno 3. kvě. 2023 v 11.18

"Precisamente, amigo."

Learn of a nefarious plot.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 10.02

Year 1

Spend a year in the Eighth Underworld.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 10.27

"Plus, we look good in these clothes!"

Talk to Glottis about leaving.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 11.02

"Well, maybe just a sip..."

Sample the Marillo de Oro.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 11.29

"We are all citizens of the same nation, and our king rides a pale horse."

Try to get a passport from Chowchilla Charlie.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 10.31


Ask Lupe about her organizational system.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 10.33

"We're straight stingers, you know?"

Talk to the worker bees about playing the game.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 10.36

"Manny, we've given up. All of us."

Talk to Membrillo about why he's still here.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 10.39

"Come to see how the big boys play, eh Manny?"

Visit with Maximino.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 14.03

"So, sorry, but I don't do... 'odd jobs.'"

Try to convince Verago to help you out.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 11.06

"Oh, yeah, I could take you down..."

Try to convince Aitor to take you down to the wine cellar.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 11.07

Year 2

Spend two years in the Eighth Underworld.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 14.06

"I wasn't always this color!"

Talk to Chepito about how long he's been down here.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 14.24

*sniff* *sniff*

Make the angelitos cry.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 14.36

"Save your breath..."

Try to explain to Meche.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 14.33

"Okay, how much of this haven't you figured out, Calavera?"

Get Domino to explain the racket to you.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 14.35

Year 3

Spend three years in the Eighth Underwold.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 15.39

"Happy trails, Captain."

See Chepito on his way.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 15.45

"I could walk out out of this world and not look back..."

Hold to your commitments.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 15.45

"I'm getting out of here. This world's for suckers."

See Bruno on his way.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 15.42

"Oh, Lola..."

Revisit the place where you left Lola.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 15.57

"Manuel! Is everything okay?"

Play with the radio.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 16.05

Year 4

Spend four years in the Eighth Underworld.
Odemčeno 26. lis. 2016 v 17.02

The Right Way

Play the whole game with tank controls. Tim demanded this achievement.

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