Nicholas   United States
I have descended from the world of Aqua Magna to join the mortals and enlighten them... Naaah, I'm just kidding.

I'm generally a pretty open guy. I was raised surrounded by things from pokemon to the goonies and everything in between, and I'm into all sorts of things. Talk about whatever you want, I'm game.

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My Youtube channel
NickonAquaMagna 16/fev./2020 às 17:35 
I'm afraid I don't know how to do that.
NickonAquaMagna 6/jun./2018 às 19:21 
Hey man, no problem. And yes, I'll be covering arctic eventually. Thanks.
BEER 4/jun./2018 às 13:45 
Hey Nick, love your Lego Rewind videos. Grew up experiencing most of them, im pretty nostalgic about basically most of the themes you've covered, but Ice Planet 2002 was a theme i'd never heard of. I wanted to thank you for making that video, I like the IP2002 aesthetic so much I pulled out the old Lego bins and made my own creation. You probably get tons of requests, but I vaguely remember the "Artic" theme from the early 2000s.
NickonAquaMagna 21/ago./2017 às 18:47 
StoneAngel 21/ago./2017 às 1:48 
And I have found him.
Freerey 23/jul./2017 às 14:20 
Heyo, this is the guy who made the akward wave pic of Minnow :P
Fancy seeing you on steam ^^