Matt   California, United States <<< Click on the link to watch my stream.
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About Me
I'm not like most players you find on CS:GO (partly because I'm older than most players). If you really want to know about me just ask. —═デ┳︻

Counter-Strike Background
Back when internet cafes were popular I played Counter-strike 1.6 for fun. Now I'm just starting to enjoy playing CS:GO competitively. Feel free to add me and invite me to your queues. I have a TeamSpeak server if needed.

Gameplay Highlights ( YouTube Channel )
Quick Scope AWP Headshots
Jump Scout in the Back
Double Decoy Kill
AK-47 On Point
Flawless Ninja Defuse
Nade Stack Brothers
Just Another Ace
MAC-10 4K Followed by Ace
Tec-9 Ace Competitive Pistol Round 1
Ninja Zeus Competitive Round 15
AWP and Five-seven = Best Combo
1 vs. 4 Five-seven Clutch and Defuse
Luckiest Burst-fire Glock Shot Ever
1 vs. 3 with 1 HP and an MP9

Learn From These Guys
Coldzera INSANE Double AWP Jump Shots vs Liquid | Luminosity Gaming vs Liquid

Random YouTube Clips
Have you ever had a dream?
Apparently Apparently Apparently Apparently
It's only game. Why you heff to be mad?
When someone random joins your lobby

Thank you for viewing my profile.
JakeTheSnake 8 Jan, 2018 @ 8:26pm 
do u kno de way
Ghetto Gecko 27 Feb, 2016 @ 11:40pm 
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