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投稿日: 2019年5月10日 15時05分

Eco is probably one game of a kind. Do not buy this game thinking you will find a Minecraft like, it is not.
The many aspects that I loved playing Eco are the different deep and interesting systems and how they interact with eachother. Farming, cooking, tailoring, smelting, ... each skill tree rely on one another.
The community aspect is probably my favorite, you can't survive without having good interactions with your neighbours, you'll have to make some friends, maybe some won't accept you and this is ok, but at the end of the day you'll have to collaborate or face a certain defeat.

Sure the game is still in development but I feel the initial goal set by StrangeLoop Games is reached and will always be.
From patch to patch, i have never been disappointed.

Join us :)
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