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投稿日: 2023年7月4日 11時56分

This is a legendary game. More precisely, the last part of the legendary Grand Theft Auto series of games, or, briefly, GTA.
Although the fifth part of GTA was released to the world a long time ago, it still does not look outdated. This game is still fun and enjoyable to play. And if you don’t play, then just arrange a pogrom on the streets or in the open spaces of a large open world.
Even now, the elaboration of the surrounding world is impressive. Even the seabed is detailed.
The game has an interesting storyline of three characters that is just fun to play. It's also fun to explore the world.
If you are a fan of this series of games, you definitely need to play this game. It's better than reading too many words.

I definitely recommend this game to everyone!
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4 件のコメント
Polish_Ball 2023年7月30日 16時45分 
"does not look outdated" lmao
farkrits 2023年7月23日 18時55分 
4 hours on record
Ashigaru 2023年7月4日 12時24分 
Prince Vegeta 2023年7月4日 12時11分 
:104: :vegeta: