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Évaluations récentes de Nakinami 泣涙

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Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress Sequel
Évaluation publiée le 19 janvier.
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1,969.6 h en tout (1,524.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
the comeback of the century
Évaluation publiée le 24 novembre 2023. Dernière modification le 11 juin.
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0.0 h en tout
After being coerced to spend my life savings, this dlc so far seems pretty good for me, but I also agree that this dlc has a lot of problems with it. I noticed the reviews to be very mixed, and I agree with most of the bad reviews. I still rate this up though because I still enjoyed it whether it was because of the dlc itself or if it was playing with friends. You won't know wtf is going on in the story, with a lot of missing details about where anything came from and how it happened. There are also characters like Nimbus, who should def be replaced with a new one. I don't know what they were thinking making him. However, I found that the new strand mechanics are pretty good and fun to play with. Personally, I think they did a good job incorporating campaign missions that use these mechanics quite effectively to make it more fun to clear. The missions were pretty good, but it was way too short and some recycled content were used. And even if I want it longer, I don't mean more filler and more recycled content. I recommend that you play the campaign with two other people (the max #), since it made the game a lot harder and more enjoyable, especially if you have friends that are relatively new/not good, since it gives them quite a challenging experience. I had lots of fun messing around and I think even at this level of game level creation, you can work your way around to have fun. I do agree though that we expect more from a AAA game company, and its really sad that they do not respond well to what the community wants. In the end, I think if you have a group of people that play often and plan to do the upcoming raid day one, you should buy it now, but if you have time to think about it, I think it's a good idea to buy this dlc when it goes on sale for a much cheaper price. Hopefully, the upcoming content and raid will change our minds about this dlc.

Évaluation publiée le 1 mars 2023.
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202.3 h en tout (32.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I wasn't really into card games like these until my friends and I hung out to play some yugioh with real cards. At first I was confused, thought it'd be a one time thing. I was reluctant to play, but after I played, I actually had pretty good fun. So, I installed yugioh on my laptop that I had brought with me and installed the game. My friends told me what to do so it made it really easy for me to get into the game. If you're a beginner, they give you a lot of gems, which can let you buy packs so you can get cards, and eventually making a deck. I was quite lucky with my pack openings, which also persuaded me into playing. My friend made me the Vtuber (virtual world deck) and did everything for me. However, keep in mind I have some personal bias in this positive review because my friends really did everything for me to make the game understandable for me, therefore it is most likely better with friends but might just be as good playing solo.

- Lots of cards and decks to choose from
- Cool accessories you can buy with gems
- Private matches to play against friends
- Frequent events to earn gems
- Campaigns teach you a lot

♥♥♥♥ (most of these apply if you're a beginner):
- Lots of reading
- Lots of reading
- Lots and lots of reading
- Campaign is not very enjoyable aka boring
- Metas (as for any game but just fyi)
- 90% of the time you dont know whats going on
- 90% you don't know what their deck does
- 90% you get maxxcd
- 90% you get branded fusioned
- 90% you lose cards without knowing what happened
- 90% event matches pair you against plat players

In conclusion I would only play if you researched how to play and know what deck you want to make (probably one of the more meta decks if you want to win). If your friends play you are in good shape cause they'll help you out.

Évaluation publiée le 8 décembre 2022. Dernière modification le 21 mars 2023.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
34.5 h en tout (31.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
A great series throughout, metro exodus delivered with its rich story, beautiful graphics, open world, and weapons. With over 30 hours, I am glad to say this game is without a doubt one of the best solo player games I have ever played. I totally recommend this game and would like to give people who would like to get this game a my take on this game. Pros and ♥♥♥♥ are all my preference so it may vary from person to person. For full immersion, I played this game on the lowest FOV, ranger hardcore (hardest difficulty), and full dive (no HUD). I suggest this for other players who like to complete games at its hardest.

  • Weapons - With 10 weapons available, you can fully customize weapons with parts you find throughout the game. You can have 3 weapons at a time with the first two being any of the regular weapons, while the 3rd slot will be reserved for the tikhar or the crossbow, special weapons that do not make any sound when firing, so great for sneak attacks.
  • Combat - Like the previous metro games, the game allows you to choose whether to kill or sneak through the level. I prefer to sneak, but its fun to use the guns from time to time.
  • Story - The story behind metro exodus is as you know, the sequel to metro redux. Therefore, the story is also amazing like in the previous games. It has a decent rising action and development, a good climax, and an outstanding falling action and finish. The ending was great and made me tear up a bit.
  • Artyom's Diary - It is so great that this game lets you view information about the game on Artyom's Diary. During the game, you can view his diary to look at the game's unique characters' background and lore, look at the weapons and the reliability and what it is used for, the monsters and what little bit they know about them, and obviously, Artyom's adventures.
  • Secrets - Always required in these types of games, it is nice to find hidden diaries and notes within the game. Great addition for achievement hunters.
  • Graphics - The game is absolutely beautiful. You will be mesmerized and find yourself looking at the captivating landscapes. Whether you're on the train, running through the map, or
  • Voice lines - For the voice lines, I ended up choosing Japanese, since I speak it fluently. The amount of effort they put into dialogue is astonishing. You can go past anyone and they have their own unique set of conversations. The moment the game started its cutscene, I was enthralled. The voices were from . I'm sure the other languages sounded just as amazing.
  • Moral Points - This is an interesting aspect of the game, as it determines whether you get the good outcome or the bad outcome. If you have a good amount of moral points, you get the good outcome. If not the outcome would end bad. I think this is a fun one to have to get you in the right mindset of the character to help people out.

  • Fall out of the map - Athough it only happened once to me, I was able to fall out of the map during a semi-cutscene when the characters were talking.
  • Stuck on Doors - I got stuck on doors a few times when the animation would make me try to open a locked door but get me stuck on something that was below. You can restart from a checkpoint so it is no big deal, but still a bit annoying.
  • Needs a High-end PC - The game requires a significant amount of PC power, so you may have to lower the settings by lot depending on the PC you have. I suggest you check the minimum and recommended PC at the store page to make sure you have a rig that can actually run the game at its most favorable.
  • Checkpoints - Sometimes the checkpoints in the game bugout or might just not have one, causing you to not have a load for a extended period of time. It is fine if ur just better and don't die, but I suck so I had to restart from a whole section at times.
Overall the game is absolutely great. Well worth my money. Although I got the game on sale, for $15, this is a great game. If I were asked what the best part of the game was, it would be the beauty of the game. As I said before, the graphics were beautiful. This was a notable game and I suggest people give it a try to finish the redux series. If you are new to the metro series, I would buy them on sale since you can get the whole saga for about $20. That already is about 100+ hours of game time if you like to take your time over speedrunning. Again, this was my take on the game so you necessarily might not agree with me. Thank you for taking your time to read this, I hope this helped you in some way.
Évaluation publiée le 6 avril 2022. Dernière modification le 6 avril 2022.
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24.8 h en tout (7.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
One of the best tactical fps games I have ever played. I have been following this game since 3 years ago while it was still under development. On the first day I had purchased this game, I already had 7 hours on it. I love how realistic it is and playing like you are part of a swat team. I also appreciate how hard it is because not only does it give players a challenge, but it also shows the level of difficulty (although def way harder irl) real swat officers have to deal with when in a hostage/terrorist situation. Thank you for your service to everyone in the military, swat, police, etc, including my friend Iggy (in-game name nefarious). I can understand why so many people from those job categories love to play this game.

Obviously the game is still in alpha so there will be bugs, but the game feels like it is already in beta. They are very minor which is nice:

1.) Deploy Screen Glitch: When loading in lobby with friends, sometimes the deploy screen glitches at times saying waiting to deploy, but in reality it will load you into the game.

2.) Clipping into walls: On one of the maps, I got clipped into the wall while walking up a flight of stairs, but it seems it does not happen all the time. Unsure if it happens every time or not.

3.) Gun Attachment Glitch: Sometimes switching gun types in the lobby will cause gun attachments to disappear, forcing you to quit to the menu and rejoin the lobby to use those attachments.

4.) Using your utility: Sometimes the utility will glitch out and not allow you to use the wand or the wire cutters.

5.) Dead Flying Teammates: Sometimes the bodies of your teammates will fly around after they die.

For now these are the only bugs I have encountered when I played this game. This game is very fun, but I def recommend having at least 3 people to play, since really the tactical callouts is part of the enjoyment for the game (at least in me and my friends' case). If you are a beginner, I would recommend using the wand, since its probably the most fun youll be having while actually doing something. For sights, I like to use the MB5, which is just a circle scope with a red dot in the center. I would also keep the weapon in single fire mode if you are confident in your aim. Otherwise, you might end up using too many mags in your main weapon. Also becareful when telling suspects with guns to surrender because they might be standing still but then run at you at mach 10 speeds while one tapping you. So make sure you are ready and have good reaction times. Anyways, I am very excited to see where this game goes. I feel like this game really dug deep to the hearts of tactical fps players like me, something that games like zero hour could not do (still like that game tho). Thank you taking your time to look at my review :)
Évaluation publiée le 25 janvier 2022. Dernière modification le 23 novembre 2022.
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139 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
11 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
475.3 h en tout (450.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Wallpaper Engine is literally the best $4 I have spent in my life.
Évaluation publiée le 18 juillet 2021. Dernière modification le 19 juillet 2021.
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682.9 h en tout (114.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Very enjoyable both alone and with friends! This game was well over worth the money I spent. My friends and I have been grinding this game recently and having fun in survivor mode. The killer mode is also nice because when they get off, I can play a killer game because the queue for it is solo. Overall great game, I think it is also pretty balanced.


1.) Anti-Camp: Camping is incredibly hard and costs you the game thanks to perks you can run. This is great because it deters killers from camping and killing one person at a time. The perks are great, but since the objective is to fix generators and open the exits and escape, being camped is the same thing as looping the killer for that amount of time you are hooked. This allows teammates to fix generators quickly and efficiently, allowing the exits to open faster. I love this part of the game where it denies campers and makes the game fun for everyone. For these reasons, campers are very rare since they lose a lot in rank and bloodpoints.

2.) Satisfaction of Clutch Plays: This one is from personal experience so it probably differs from person to person, but my friends and I get really hype over clutch plays. There are plays like cleansing a totem with NOED (one hit kill perk that can be “cleansed” aka destroyed to remove it from the killer) and unhooking my friend who was getting face camped by a spirit and got the four man escape. Another would be blocking/taking the hit for my friends (injured) to help them buy time to get to the exit gate. Simple plays like these are just so satisfying and hype that it keeps you playing over and over.

3.) The Hatch: I think that this is one of the more unique and thoughtful addition to the game. When you are the last one alive, a hatch will open, allowing you to escape without opening the exit gates. These give the last survivor a chance at escaping without taking their sweet time to open the exits.

4.) Teachables: At level 30 on a character, you can have perks that can be taught to other characters who originally do not have that perk. This allows you to play the character you want to play without having to worry about the perks they have.

5.) Unique Perks and Characters: Everyone in the game is unique. All survivors and killers have their own perks that you can have. This makes the game more interesting and find the character that fits your play style the most. For example for killer, I like to play the huntress because she has a ranged attack where she throws hatchets. I feel that she is someone that I enjoy playing and fits my play style. For survivor, I like to unhook people, which is why I run the perks that help other survivors out, like borrowed time (anti-camp perk), we’ll make it (super fast heal after unhook), and botany knowledge (also heal fast).

6.) Tutorial: Bloodpoints are needed to upgrade characters, so Behaviour Interactive adding in 50,000 bloodpoints per tutorial clear was very kind and thoughtful of them for beginning players. This helps them upgrade the character before entering a match with one level one perk.

7.) Custom Games: The mode I have the most fun in are custom games. They are the best addition to the game in my opinion! I have so much fun with my friends in this game mode. Although we get no bloodpoints, it does not matter because all the perks, items, add ons, and offerings are unlocked (you can lock them though in custom game settings). It is also nice that you can choose the map that you want to play.

Negative: I would say that the bad things are toxic killers who camp or tunnel people out of the game to get an advantage. Other ♥♥♥♥ about this game is if the killer goes afk, it will give u 0 points in 2 categories, leading to 0 rank progress (this issue can probably be fixed if survivors get a bonus for escaping in a certain time limit), and load times are often really long. However, these issues do not ruin the game at all as they are not common and are not significantly frustrating. Another issue might also be how grindy it is. Bloodwebs have lots of items, which will make you take a while to upgrade that character. Bloodpoints are therefore needed in high quantity aka play many many matches. Most of the bad parts in this game can be seen in the community, not the game’s fault. People would camp or tunnel, leading to a 2 min game and not having any fun. Especially with the killer cannibal, there is a common cannibal basement camp, where they go insidious to chainsaw one shot the person rescuing and cutting through borrowed time. In conclusion, some people in the community will be extremely toxic and u will need to expect some bad games where u get camped, tunneled, and spectate your friends for the rest of the match.

Other ♥♥♥♥: CamPiNg BuBBa aNd MiDwiCH

Other aspects of the game I enjoy are the collaboration Dead by Daylight had with Resident Evil. Leon, Jill, and the Nemesis are great additions to the game and I hope to see more collaborations with different games. The game anniversary items are also a nice addition to the game. The sacrificial cakes (anniversary offering that gives 105% more bloodpoints) give a significant amount of bloodpoints (game currency to upgrade characters). This really helps with people who just got the game, like me and my friends. We are able to level up our characters really fast and progress in the game a lot easier. The game is super fun and I totally recommend this to people who are looking for a game to play with friends competitively, casually, or even both! I also think that the DLC is worth it (although get it when it goes on sale or your friend has it on library share)! All the characters are really fun to play! + All characters are needed to complete all achievements.
Évaluation publiée le 18 juillet 2021. Dernière modification le 24 novembre 2021.
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9 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
0.6 h en tout
Cool single-player, 3rd person shooter, with a story line of AI taking over humanity. The protagonist has skills that are similar to Tracer (for those who know Overwatch).

Character Mechanics: She dashes forward like a dodge, can recall, meaning going back in time and regaining health. There are also voice lines with subtitles.
Gun mechanics: A very powerful weapon, where you can ADS to make your gun a rifle, whilst hip fire makes it a shotgun.
Graphics: quality graphics, a bit similar to the game Genshin Impact.
Positive: free to play, interesting weapon mechanics, great graphics, has its own campaign/story line, and lets not forget it's anime.
Negative: checkpoints go back a bit too far, unskippable cutscenes, enemy AI sometimes bug out and walk past you, boss has too little moves for the amount of HP it has.

Overall this game has great potential to become popular with further updates. It needs some tweaks here and there, but the concept of this game is great! I played it myself and enjoyed it a lot.
Évaluation publiée le 11 janvier 2021. Dernière modification le 11 janvier 2021.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
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2,624.5 h en tout (1,658.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Évaluation de CS:GO
♥♥♥♥ community and ♥♥♥♥ anti-cheat but still fun sometimes
Évaluation publiée le 2 juillet 2020. Dernière modification le 25 mars 2022.
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