PreachRman Smurf
West Virginia, United States
In Memory of Shelia K Wease

67 year old wife, mother, and grandmother that likes to kick butt and game and sing in our band on the weekends. Pappa Smurf is my Husband. yolarrydabomb is my step son.

PC Specs as of 4/12/2018
* means same hardware/internet as papa's smurf.
*OS: Windows 10 64-bit Pro
*CPU: intel Core i5 6600k 4.3Ghz OC
*CPU Cooler: ARCTIC Freezer Xtreme Rev. 2
GPU: EVGA NVIDIA Geforce 970
*SSD: 500GB Samsung EVO 850 EVO
*SSHD: 4TB seagate
*Board: Gigabyte Z17OX-UD3
PSU: Corsair RM850X
*INTERNET TYPE & SPEED: ADSL2+ 24mbps down and 1.5 mbps upload
*MODEM & ROUTER: TP-LINK TD-8618 + Archer AC3150 1gpbs wired.
Currently Offline
Locutus 6 Nov, 2019 @ 7:42pm 
Hi Smurfette--can't seem to message you, but my player name on the new COD is ralt12 . trying to get locutus back, but it's not obvious--see you there. the kill confirmed hardcore is actually pretty good.
BulletSponge 7 May, 2019 @ 7:01pm 
Hola, senora Smurf
*Speed* 31 Jul, 2018 @ 10:10pm 
OMG this chick hax! Im a Grandma pshhh!

Love Ya!