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Better than Fallout 4, Fallout 3 is also up there as one of the best ganes made, sadly like all other Bethesda games, time has not been well to this old gem

The annoyance with Games for Windows Live (And then its shutdown) has always been a problem, now that steam has removed the CD-Key from the game, it is no longer possible to connect to the internet to get Xbox Achivements (But it does work if you give it a key from another G4WL game, like GTA 4, Wierd) The game also has performance problems such as crashing and sound issues but after following a few guides, you can then start playing

Personally, I like Fallout 3 better because its just generally a bigger and more imaginative game (Possible a reson for this is because it doesnt have a voiced PC and so more can be done) Also, the DLC is a lot better and not underwhelming as Fallout 4

(Excluding the issues) The ending is the problem with the game, unless you have DLC, the game just finishes and you can no longer play and complete side quests etc unless you load up a previous save

Postat 10 octombrie 2016.
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After 2 years, I can now finally recommend No Man's Sky
Each time a massive update comes out I do attempt to continue my orignal save but this time I started from the beginning because so much has changed
Although this doesnt really matter now as people who never played it before the update are doing it now, but for me buying it at launch, it is a big change that needs getting used to
Although there is some bigs and annoyances, it isnt as major as other games - For example the scanlines effect can be removed with a mod but there is still no proper support for wierd screen resolutions like mine, so I cant play this on ultrawide :(

Please buy this game, I dont know anybody who plays this and needs somebody to play it with :)
Postat 16 august 2016. Editat ultima dată 28 iulie 2018.
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After completing the game on PS3, I decided to give the PC port a go, I read up that the FF 13 ports were bad, but as I played, they were terrible! (And FFXIII is worse!) I am playing on a top gaming PC (6700k processor and NVIDIA 980ti) and I get stuttering and framerate drops (Apart from when in combat which is wierd)

Anyway, ignoring the issues with the bad port, this game is amazing, I have never had the patience to play a FF game before and this is the first FF game I have actually completed. The game sadly follows on from FF XIII which is essentially a corridor simulator with a boss at the end of each one. Luckily this has been thrown out of the window and replaced with free-roaming, exploring, time travel and paradoxes, plus the okay combat system from its predecessor makes this a interesting game to play.

Sadly, because of the exploring, the story can be mixed up and forgotten. On PS3, I came back to the game after around a year of not playing, I had to re-trace my steps using walkthroughs to figure out what I had to do and if I had missed anything.
The biggest problem for me is the part of the game where you have to collect 'gravitron cores' as they are in different times. To get into the times is the hardest part because they are unlocked in steps, it may take a while to get to the place you need to go.

Lastly, the menu system and item recording is a bit wierd. There is no way to figure out where you collected previous (and used) wild artifacts which is just confusing for the 'cores' quest

TLDR: If you have a lot of patience (And its a steam sale) Buy this game. I am not a RPG guy in terms of Turn Based games but I enjoyed it!

EDIT: To get the most out of this game, view the page about this game on the PCGW ^^
Postat 10 aprilie 2016. Editat ultima dată 29 iunie 2019.
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Took me 4 years to get round to complete it, and was left disappointed. Originally devised by somebody who worked at valve, a team of designers and the amazing John D Lancie from star trek etc, what could have gone wrong? Well everything because the studio shut down one game later in 2014

The idea and gameplay is amazing, the idea of switching dimentions. Trying to copy the puzzle formula from Portal but partly succseeding and the other half knock-off from Portal

My main problem with the game is the story, throughout the game you are explained a 'super IDS' supposedly a upgrade to the glove your character wears to control dimentions. You dreams are shattered when the ending is played. Which everything comes down to a 20 second cutscene of nothing. A interesting story comes to a full stop as if the writer just got up and left and forgot to come back, which is very disappointing.

There is also DLC but after being so disappointed I decided not to waste time with it

The only good thing that came out of this is the desire for Portal 3 and the TF2 items I recieved when I pre-ordered the game
Postat 10 aprilie 2016.
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2.6 ore înregistrate
Good game, but a terrible port with performance problems

After giving up with XIII, I got XIII-2, it was only recently I completed it (on PS3) and now I get this one

Yep, it is a good game, ok story etc but the performance problems ruin it. I am running a 6700k (No Overclock) and a 980ti and I still get stutting. You know theres a problem with the game if you have a computer like mine to run it on
Postat 12 martie 2016.
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This is basically the CQC part of elite, sold on its own game (Ignoring playtime on this title is important)

CQC is rarely played, this is because of difficulty of matchmaking, variety of ships and amount of maps to play. The payouts for completing games are low too.

The only impact CQC does to your Elite in-game account is that when you reach level 50 and 'prestiege' you unlock access to a new star system, thats it (No idea what is there, but probably underwhelming like the rest of Elite in its current form) I would play CQC a lot more if you could unlock special skins or decals for ships

This 'game' should be free, to introduce players into how ship flying works before they buy the full game, expect this title to be VERY cheap during steam sales or maybe a free weekend when sales for Elite dry up (Probably will align with No Man's Sky or Star Citizen)
Postat 16 februarie 2016.
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Although Elite is a VERY good game, I im starting to loose faith in frontier, I have no complaints for the game's payment model (Or ship skins etc) What I do have a problem with though, is where my money is ending up?

At the moment, Horisons is selling the whole 'Planetary landings' although you can only land on certain planets, with a extension of this coming in 2017, yep makes sense to me. The planetary bases are fine, although they are missing Shipyards, so you cannot use stations to store/shop for ships. And for 'realism', controls get worse the bigger your ship is. (Good luck flying on planets in a new Imperial Cutter)

This game needs to be treated as a season pass, where players need to wish and hope the features that were advertised finally release. With normal games, all the content is released at once. and being explained that I only get a part if it? Is not very good from a marketing point of view. Luckily, its just a waiting game, instead of IF certain confirmed content is coming into the game. It took 1 year nearly for CQC Deathmatch coming out, normal games wouldnt even be released without a mode like this.

The community is constantly moaning to frontier about the low mission payouts and emptyness of the game, and guess what? Nothings changed. The new planet missions (Which sometime involve visiting a base in a srv and scanning somthing, before getting lost and spending too much time on it) Are horrible. After spending over 45 minutes at a base for a 250k mission payout, I just abandoned. The game needs a replacement way to earn money instead of travelling station to station trading items

And lastly, the bugs. There is some problem with the transcation server which makes buying fuel problematic, and the FPS drops dramaticly when on planets (People on the Elite reddit are asking for a hotkey to lower Anti-Alasing, when does that happen?

P.S the Cobra MKIIII is near useless, and the badly worded promotion ended up with people moaning 'Where is my free ship?!" 'Edited'

In a nutshell

The game is amazing, the company just isnt. Buy it in a steam sale
Postat 16 decembrie 2015. Editat ultima dată 18 decembrie 2015.
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714.4 ore înregistrate (399.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
This game can get very addictive, after playing for a week, I upgraded from a Xbox Controller to a Joystic/Hotas setup, i've tried briefly with KB/M but controller is recommended

Although, this game does not feel like a actual 'game' after leaving the starter system, you are nearly always alone in space, (Not counting the wierd NPC's) unless you visit a busy system (Which are based around CG's, mission farming, Ship discounts etc)

The balancing is bad, the mission payouts are very low, and you need to 'grind' anything and everything in this game. You need to put in a lot of hours into elite to get all the good stuff (Level up Federation and Empire ranks for extra ships and system permits for example)

Powerplay is very hard to understand, which is a big shame as I would be interested in participating at the hope of a 50m credit payout if you earn enough merits for your chosen power

Horisons is now a must-have addon because of the Engineers expansion, this adds a good reason to do a lot more mission types at stations (And makes the AI better/harder) Completing missions now offer parts which can be used to upgrade parts of your ship, most importantly weapons, giving them special effects

CQC (Or deathmatch for normal people) Isnt bad, although matchmaking issues, low playerbase and low payouts give little to no reason to play in the first place

And lastly, no server api's for websites/tools to latch into. Trading tools are based on users entering the data manually, (Or Elite Market Connector) there is no way users can access Frontier's servers themselves, which is VERY unfair on the modding/tools community.
And then skins and bobbleheads, I think they are too expensive and a lot of the time you need to buy a skin 'pack' to get a specific skin you are looking for on your ship.

Conclusion: Thanks to Engineers, there are good reasons to play again, that and in Season 3 they are supposedly adding First person, what more could you ask for?!
Postat 5 decembrie 2015. Editat ultima dată 28 mai 2016.
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1.7 ore înregistrate (0.7 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
By the creator of the Stanley Parable, comes a nice, free and short adventure, taking you through a mansion and an adventure through a Vault

+Very good voice work, some of the tapes are voiced by the same guy from Rick& Morty
+Good graphics and programming (Which on Unity, is a miracle)
+Amazing gameplay, you can replay it to get the achievments etc

-Glitch unlocking the orchard achiement (Althouh can be unlocked by restarting the game and trying again)
-The narrator from the stanley parable is missing, although the new 'voice' is good too

Get it now! Its free, and amazingly written, what more could you ask for!
Postat 5 decembrie 2015.
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Full of glitches and VERY clunky controls, the biggest problem is when marty ends up in the soup kitchen, you might as well stop playing there (EP. 1)
Postat 29 octombrie 2015.
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