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17 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
1 person fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
18.3 timer registreret i alt (9.9 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
A decent effort on reviving the series, sadly not without some caveats.

Before I begin, let me tell you that this is probably the best Silent Hill game we've got since SH4. Bloober was so close making this game a true successor to the original you wouldn't believe it. Of course, they had to ♥♥♥♥ it up here and there, and the questionable choice to include a garbage DEI firm did not help either, but overall it's a pretty good game.

So, the remaster suffers from three horsemen of major ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥:

1. Everyone sees how trashy character faces look in the game. I refuse to believe that it's incompetence on the dev's part. I mean James looks alright, and I can give a pass to Laura too. But the others don't look like real everyday people at all. Eddie looks like a regular at McDonald's now (Yes, he was fat in the original too, but not THIS fat) and the women have wider jaws and bigger heads than the protagonist. The worst offender is Maria: As a man, I refuse to believe that any fellow man's dream woman looks like her. She looks like one of those confused LGTV fans. It's most likely where the "inclusivity firm" did the most damage.

2. Censorship. You either make a faithful retelling of the original, or you change important stuff in your remake. You can't do both, especially when it comes to changing key scenes in-game. Aside from the famous PH-mannequin scene, they've changed numerous key scenes and sadly made a lot of them worse. I'll drop another one here: The end scene of the PH chase part. It's a lot worse than the original and nowhere near as dramatic. Also, they changed the dress of the only character they shouldn't have touched and didn't do anything to everyone else.

3. Forced Combat. It is a mixed bag. On one hand, the combat itself is serviceable and works mostly well. It's clunky as it should be and sells the fact that James is just a random dude trying to survive. BUT, there is way too much of it in the game. It's Silent Hill, supposed to be a psychological horror, not an action-packed RE4 clone. Unlike the original, You have to fight most battles here, so it gets tedious after a while. Also, it has QTE grab mechanics...

Thankfully the brilliance of the original story still shines in the remake and they even added a lot of small details to it. There are new places to explore and new stuff to find. You can see James writing down important stuff on the map and breaking windows and windshields to salvage stuff. It adds to the atmosphere a lot.

The graphics are nice, the fog is probably the best fog I've seen in a video game so far, the decay and rust really sell the other world's depressing mood. The monster design is great too, thank god they did not let any DEI cockroa- I mean consultant near Pyramid head.

Akira Yamaoka didn't disappoint this time either, the music is phenomenal. I think the acting is well done too, it's rocky in a few places, but the original had some bumpy acting too here and there. Some characters might feel a bit off to the seasoned veterans though.

Overall, it's a pretty good game, that only misses the mark by a few "manjaws" and a hint of censorship. I can easily recommend it though. Don't buy it for 70 bucks, no game is worth that much. Especially when it had the DEI firm's rotten claws around it.

Buy it at a slight discount.
Skrevet: 9. oktober.
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17 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
0.6 timer registreret i alt (0.3 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
A unique VN experience.

Steam has a lot of games with good stories, it also has a lot of good h-games. Sadly it's rare to see a game that ticks both boxes. Betrayed is one of those.
You may ask how can this dumbass be so sure with barely any game time in it? Well, I've been following this game for years now and played it already. I despise Patreon, but I've made a vow to buy the game if it ever came out on a storefront, so here I am.

The premise is quite simple: You play as a dude who gets killed but makes a deal with the devil in exchange for his soul. From there the choices you make drive the story, and ultimately decide your fate.
Not gonna spoil the story, but it's far from the "I came from far away to live with my landlady and childhood friend" you see in most of the VN-s nowadays.

There are plenty of well-animated h-scenes. All the girls look damn good, and the cgs are very high quality.

It's not a long game, you can read through it in a few hours, but thanks to the karma system, a lot of hidden stuff, and multiple endings, Betrayed has high replayability. I'd say, it clocks around 10 hrs if you want to see everything. The 13 bucks asking price is adequate in my opinion. It's a fun ride both for beginners and seasoned h-gamers that I can easily recommend.
Skrevet: 20. september.
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28 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
27.0 timer registreret i alt
I see, R* entered the competition for the worst company cup. Good luck guys, it's a strong competition. Watch out for UBI and EA in particular!

After the garbage remasters of the previous games, you dumb♥♥♥♥s sure did the most corpo thing and ♥♥♥♥♥♥ over part of your customer base while solving nothing. I'm sure it does good to the already mixed reputation of R*.

Do you want the anti-cheat? Fine, but tick the damn box so the Linux and Steam Deck users can continue playing the product they paid for. BattleEye has support for the system. By the way, cheaters are still rampant so you effectively solved nothing. Good job!
Skrevet: 19. september.
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6 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
1 person fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
14.8 timer registreret i alt
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
A 4 EUR game with gacha and the usual predatory f2p mobile shenanigans.

TLDR: Save yourself the trouble and buy a decent offline h-game on sale with that 4 euros.

First of all, let me warn you if you ever plan to top-up any kind of money in this game: The rewards you might get may or may not be as advertised in-game, and you may even lose the top-up gems. It happened to me, and the game doesn't have a support button. So, like other mobile crap, this game also has a first-time charge event. It lasts for a week and originally you had to charge any amount a day to get some pretty sweet rewards, especially if you rack up a streak of 6 or 7 days. Now near day 5 they changed it completely, making it a charge x amount of cash to get some meh rewards, completely ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ everyone over who did the event. What's more, there is the 30-day sub thingie which originally rewarded 500 gems per day. Yesterday the devs changed that too to only award 100 gems instead of the original 500, even if you had previously bought the pass. I even have screenshots. None of this was announced anywhere. This is called stealing in any half-decent country, and it's illegal. I half expect a dev to show up and try and defend themselves, with the "oh it's early access" stuff, but EA doesn't mean you can ♥♥♥♥ over consumers whenever you want. Trust me I really tried to believe despite all the red flags that this would be a nice game once it's fleshed out, that's why I even subbed in the first place. Well, it's your loss.

With that out of the way, let's see what this game has to offer:
It's a top-down dungeon crawler where you control a chibi character, kicking the behind of the bad guys.

Let's start with the good: The art is pretty nice, both while playing and during the h-scenes, which there's plenty of. And that's about it.

The story is an incoherent mess, you won't understand ♥♥♥♥, because of the crappy machine translation they decided to go with.

The combat is boring and janky. (Like c'mon, have any of the devs tried to use Artemis? You can't even aim with her bow properly.) However, this might improve with time because the foundation is decent. The puzzles are brain-dead and hardly worth mentioning. Also, the store page lies about the game being "roguelike".

The UI is your average mobile game UI, nothing special, it's a little uncomfortable to navigate certain menus like the gearing/upgrade screen, but otherwise, it's fine. I'll even commend the devs for adding a gallery button soon after the launch.

Now let's speak about the h-scenes because that's what we're here for.
The h-scenes are...okay but nothing special. There are plenty of them, yes, but all of them feature only one position with no way to change anything. Also, the moans and effects are way out of sync. Some CGs aren't even animated yet.

As for how f2p friendly it is: You'll get some rolls as rewards but the gacha is ♥♥♥♥♥♥. It's not a 6% chance for an UR entity, that's for sure. You may get lucky though. Even then you have three separate banners, for chars, weapons, and skills. Right now, You get 200 gems every day for logging in, but considering the devs reward practices it won't be for long. Add the inevitable "limited" banners that are surely coming into the mix and it's not a good look for a f2p player at all.
Skrevet: 26. august. Sidst redigeret: 26. august.
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En udvikler svarede d. 26. aug. kl. 23:06 (vis svar)
7 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
3.4 timer registreret i alt
Sadly this one is just too boring and way too expensive for what it offers.

First of all, I'd like to thank my steam-buddy zombiehunter for gifting me the publisher bundle that contained this game. Thank you, I had fun with the games! The fact that I got the game for free won't affect my review, but I want to be as transparent as possible.

Being the highest-priced game in the bundle I expected a lot more from this than the other two titles. Sadly, this one is the worst among the three.

Gameplay-wise it's the same as the other two: A generic clicker game with the tried and true "click, upgrade, repeat" gameplay. The twist here is that you don't spend the extra money on cgs and videos, but "scripts" that allow you to access another minigame on a map. Finishing that minigame rewards you with the H-stuff.

Speaking of H-stuff: The girl looks decent in this game too. You can expect about the same amount of cgs and animations as in the other games, with the same caveats of some being too similar but good enough to get the job done.

It has about 2-3 hrs of gameplay. The big issue here is that this one is really boring. On top of that, this is more than twice the price of the other games. Honestly, seeing this one having a better rating on Steam than the others is baffling.

I'm not even sure I'd buy this one for two bucks, let alone for ten, it's just that boring. For that, I cannot recommend this one.
Skrevet: 20. august.
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7 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
3.1 timer registreret i alt
It's a mediocre clicker with mediocre hentai in it. An ok buy when it's on sale.

First of all, I'd like to thank my steam-buddy zombiehunter for gifting me the publisher bundle that contained this game. Thank you, I had fun with the games! The fact that I got the game for free won't affect my review, but I want to be as transparent as possible.

So this is a clicker game where you can experience how the average Gen-Z twitch girl gets her daily bread. It plays exactly as you'd expect from a generic clicker: You click a lot, get upgrades, buy auto-clickers, and then repeat the process. You can spend the extra income on spicy pictures and pre-recorded animations that you can post on social media to get more followers. There are also 3 minigames you can try, the rewards are the same.

The girl's model looks pretty good and there's a decent amount of cgs and animations to go through. Sadly some of them are pretty similar, but it's quite FAP-able content.

it's between 2-3 hrs long, so thankfully it doesn't overstay it's welcome, but near the end, it'll get boring even if you like clickers.
I wouldn't buy this title for four bucks, but I've seen it for around two and that's more in line with what it's worth. I wouldn't buy this for the h-secnes alone.

Grab it only if you like both clickers and h-games. Even then, only when it's on sale at least 50% off.
Skrevet: 20. august.
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8 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
0.6 timer registreret i alt (0.5 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
It's a decent h-game that's way too expensive. Only buy it at 50% or higher discount.

This VN barely has 30 minutes of gameplay, so I cannot recommend this at 7 bucks. There isn't any deep storytelling here: This is girl A. She needs some random crap from the store. Get the stuff and be rewarded with snu-snu. Repeat this 4 times, and you're done.

Now, when it comes to these kinds of games, the cream in the pie was always the quality and quantity of the scenes. Despite the low playtime, it has 3 per girl for a total of 12 scenes. These are kinda short as you might expect and don't offer any interactivity. However, the animations do look nice and the girls are pretty.

Overall it's a good first try from the devs, but I only recommend picking it up at 2 or 3 bucks at most.
Skrevet: 22. juli.
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40 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
2 personer fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
100.0 timer registreret i alt
Like a man with an explosive personality once said: "Not great, not terrible."

I got this from my buddy Nemasag when the 1.5 patch was released (Thanks, bro!), so I can't comment on the state of the game before the patch, but after experiencing everything the game has to offer, I have to say, despite the mixed reviews it was a pleasant surprise.

Lords of the Fallen has great ideas and twists on the souls-like genre. Some are well-executed, some are clunky at best and some will make you want to jump in front of a speeding train.

The game looks neat: The game has around 20 areas and save for 2 or 3 of those, each location looks somewhat unique. The first part of the game has too much of the same: You'll constantly move from ledge to cave to forest to cave to forest etc. So the scenery will get boring quickly, thanks to the primarily muddy and dark coloring that relies heavily on the gray-red-yellow combo. The second half of the game has a lot more variety in this regard. There is also the umbral realm, which looks similar everywhere with its dark-blueish hue. However, the equipment looks stunning.

The level design could be a lot better in my opinion, it heavily relies on caves, platforms, and huge drops for progression. Like I've said before, you'll constantly have to enter caves to progress from one area to another. The Umbral realm saves some points here with its clever implementation, but without it traveling Axiom gets boring quickly.

Combat is where a souls-like game's fate is decided. Lords of the Fallen has its twists on the formula, and it manages to have a fun combat system that's not without flaws. Let's start with those, shall we?
You have three additional dmg types next to physical: radiant, fire, and umbral. It's the classic rock-paper-scissors scenario, each area revolves around one of these, so you can change your playstyle accordingly. However, it doesn't really matter that much, because the bonus is so low it isn't worth changing your gear constantly.
The poise is also way too high in my opinion. You'll constantly trade hits with enemies without any of you flinching. It just feels weird.
Every weapon type also has the same move set, making weapons a little more than glorified stat sticks for your character. You'll be using the ones with the fastest and widest attack patterns because you'll frequently face group mobs and the game rewards you with more damage the more hits you can deal without being interrupted. This makes the combat feel a lot more arcade-ish.
The Umbral realm doesn't help the combat either: When you die you'll automatically get a second wind in Umbral, which is great, but the realm is filled with trash mobs, sabotaging and annoying you to death.

Not all is lost, however, because there are some things the devs nailed.
I believe the spell system is something even FromSoft could copy: It's fluid, easy to use, and effective. Building characters is also easier than most souls-likes, thanks to a lot of dual-scaling weapons.
Parrying is like in Sekiro, you'll have to do it more than once to break the enemy's posture, but it's easier.
Most main boss fights are incredibly cool.
The new game modifiers are also excellent, making the game worth replaying a few times.
Coop is also something FormSoft should copy: It's drop-in-drop-out, without the need to constantly rejoin after bosses or dying. It isn't seamless coop though, so only the host's game progresses when playing.

Sounds and music are fine, it's dark and orchestra-y. I've had Castlevania: LoS vibes from it. Good enough for playing in the background while playing, but nothing I'd play on its own.

Overall it's a decent game, I highly recommend it if you can get it during a sale.
Skrevet: 19. juli.
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20 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
0.4 timer registreret i alt
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
Adequately priced VN, with the potential to be something great.

As of writing this, the game has about 30 minutes of playtime which doesn't seem long, but it is well-packed with h-scenes. Right now I'd say it has an intro for a story, it's just enough to take you from one h-scene to the next.

The story itself doesn't seem to be too deep either, which is fine by me. Not every story has to be jaw-dropping to be fun. It has branching paths with different outcomes so that's a big plus. However, the dev should add a scene gallery to the menu.

The models look great, I've only seen one or two renders where one girl looked a bit plastic-y for my taste, but generally, the quality is good.

Speaking of good, the animations are well-made. Not the greatest ones I've seen, but far from the janky garbage I had the displeasure of seeing while playing some other titles. The animations have some moans, so the scenes aren't completely silent.

For 2 bucks, it has enough content at release to justify the price.

It's a pretty good first try from a single developer. We'll see how the finished game will turn out.
Skrevet: 13. juli.
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En udvikler svarede d. 13. juli kl. 15:42 (vis svar)
27 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
0.5 timer registreret i alt (0.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Sakuya sure is a hardworking girl.

This is a short kinetic novel/eroge featuring a certain Touhou girl. Despite the 20-minute-ish runtime, the game has a decent amount of situations and it's fully animated. The story itself is pretty cozy and even has a twist near the end.

In my opinion, 7 bucks as a base price is a bit high, but I absolutely recommend it if you can get it on sale.
Skrevet: 5. juli. Sidst redigeret: 5. juli.
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Viser 1-10 af 119 forekomster