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Αναρτήθηκε: 6 Μαϊ 2018, 14:12

Let me just start off by saying,"more of the same." Now don't get me wrong the 3rd installment of DEEP SPACE WAIFU improved on its formula drastically, but it still suffers from some of the problems that plagued it in the first game and its DLC.

-The Good-
Holy ♥♥♥♥ did NCStudios do a good job on keeping what was fun and amplifying that by tenfold. The new powers up are great. THE ABILITY TO GET BACK YOUR POWER UPS AFTER A DEATH. Not to mention the great (but limited) soundtrack. The addtion of a cohesive plot helped the game out tremendoulsy. I was actually invested in the plot (instead of just anime tiddy). The updated enemy patterns and actually challenging stages.

-The Bad-
Even though NCStudios improved basically everything, It still suffers from a lack of payoff, and most of all variety. After beating the game and 5-staring every single stage there wasnt any reward at all. Even a special thank you or something like that would of been fine,but although the game encourages you to get all the stars it just gets up an walk away when you come to claim your prize. After beating the game and going back to gather all the achievements, what was once fun and mesmerizing gameplay turned into a snore fest. Why? A lack of varitey. having more than one bike to choose and more power ups defiently helpped out but it just isnt enough after unlocking it all and basically playing the whole game a 2nd time in one handed mode. This probem could easily be fixed by; changing the enemies patterns, new power ups,etc. Last note, the soundtrack is great but the same 3-4 tracks looping over and over again hurts the game so much. The OST has the most potential and NCStudios started with some and just didnt follow through. Like every stage could of had a theme based on the main waifu of the level. Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda

All n' all this was a pretty good 3rd installment that of course faced problems but its a really really fun game for what it is. If NCStudios does decide to Whisk BEAR on another adventure i hope they take the timeout to fix these issues.

After Completing DEEP SPACE WAIFU: Flat Justice

I'm going to rate it as a 7/10

It starts out really good but it just falls flat towards the end

PSA: If you arent too big on acheivements i wouldn't recommend slogging through the story again in one handedmode
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