Karyawan Valve tidak pernah meminta informasi pribadi ataupun informasi akunmu melalui Steam atau melalui cara apa pun. Kamu dapat mengabaikan siapa pun yang mengeklaim telah salah melaporkanmu - akunmu tidak akan terblokir. Jika kamu membutuhkan bantuan untuk akun Steam-mu, silakan ke https://help.steampowered.com/.
Mr. Hoten
Grup Favorit
Sedang Bermain
Di Obrolan
Forthewyn 23 Jan @ 8:03pm 
Seems like we're attracted to some of the same kinds of games :) Artful explorations of aesthetics and mechanics. Something *different*!

Glad you're still rocking on at Valve. Be well!
ingueferroque 31 Des 2023 @ 8:04pm 
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:ccff7r_cactuar:Happy New Year 2024:abs_happy:
sesselpupser 25 Des 2022 @ 12:48am 
Mr. H this is in no way a bug report or support request but I'm trying to log into the chat app to thank you but it keeps saying it can't connect to Steam! I'll figure it out, in the meantime thank you and happy holidays (or whatever "merry Christmas" is in American today)!
St. Haborym 10 Des 2020 @ 3:31pm 
Hey, that's not a picture of a dog!
/(wh1sp3r): 14 Mar 2020 @ 2:09pm 
Have a nice day:steamhappy:
SAM✚MAN 9 Nov 2017 @ 12:05pm 
A thing well said will be wit in all languages.

© John Dryden