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George 4 sep om 10:43 
★ Stripa18 24 jun om 9:53 
+rep orthodox christian
XTRM 26 mei om 7:07 
Some scientists, futurists and philosophers have theorized about the immortality of the human body, with some suggesting that human immortality may be achievable in the first few decades of the 21st century with the help of certain technologies such as mind uploading (digital immortality). Other advocates believe that life extension is a more achievable goal in the short term, with immortality awaiting further research breakthroughs. The absence of aging would provide humans with biological immortality, but not invulnerability to death by disease or injury. Whether the process of internal immortality is delivered within the upcoming years depends chiefly on research (and in neuron research in the case of internal immortality through an immortalized cell line) in the former view and perhaps is an awaited goal in the latter case.
XTRM 16 apr om 14:11 
According to Plutarch, the Athenians preserved the ship that Theseus used to escape, by replacing the parts one by one as they decayed. In its original formulation, the "Ship of Theseus" paradox concerns a debate over whether or not a ship that had all of its components replaced one by one would remain the same ship
XTRM 2 feb om 12:55 
In the 1960s a group of researchers examined longitudinal data and found that subtle deficits were often present in patients with psychotic disorders prior to or early in the illness, which were then used to develop the Bonn Scale for the Assessment of Basic Symptoms (BSABS [43–45]). Basic symptoms are considered a core feature of the illness and include subjective experiences of thought, language, perception and motor disturbances; impaired bodily sensations; impaired tolerance to stress; disorders of emotion, thought, energy, concentration and memory; and, disturbances in social functioning [46]. These basic symptoms have since been included in a number of assessment scales designed to identify persons at risk for developing a psychotic disorder (e.g., Comprehensive Assessment of At-Risk Mental States [CAARMS] and Scale of Prodromal Symptoms [SOPS]).