Big Nasty
Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
:UncleDeath: Short for something. If you know, you know
Favorite Game
Review Showcase
It's difficult to talk about this game without spoiling things. So there will be spoilers throughout. Reveal them at your own discretion, this is your warning for that.

Infinite Wealth is a near perfect game, just like the first Like A Dragon RPG. There are so many things about the first game that they took and just improved upon. Movement in Hawaii and Yokohama feels great, the combat feels solid and more rewarding when you take advantage of the new features they added. Enemies can get knocked into everything, other enemies, walls, your allies for follow up attacks. Mini-games are still enjoyable and rewarding for the time put into them. For example, in the first game, many runs of Can Quest were needed to obtain something like a Health Booster; but in this game games like Sicko Snap takes maybe three runs to have enough points for something that could make the difference in higher difficulties. The grind is still there, but its a lot more forgiving and easier to get the ball rolling as opposed to running around Sotenbori in the first game hoping those cases you picked up had that booster you were desiring to tackle the True Final Millennium Tower.

The soundtrack is your usual expected RGG goodness. Banger after banger, the battle themes never get old and the boss themes elevate the moments to the high heavens. While the first game had its collection of tracks that were stellar, and the best battle theme that is Yokohama Crackhouse(what could ever beat that though?), tracks like Waikiki Down Beat, Knavish, Twin Machetes, Kooky, Body Bag, Impersonation; the god tier End of Denial. With Yakuza 7 I always came back to a track or two but these are legit just a few that I keep listening to and have been branded in my brain.

For all the games pros, it is not perfect, no game could be; but what ultimately keeps this game from being as great as the first game is its ending.

The decision to have Kasuga go and give Eiji an out is both a testament to how kind and forgiving he is, and a clear sign that RGG didn't know how to resolve this conflict. Sure, Ebina and Eiji are both victims of the Yakuza and their never ending cycle of violence and suffering; but only one of them is believable in both their tyranny and the moment they got after everything was concluded. Ebina wanting to end the Yakuza makes sense and so does his cynicism at the idea of there being good ones. To use Yakuza 0 as an easy example, for every Kazuma Kiryu, there's a hundred Keiji Shibusawas ready to murder innocent people for personal gain. Infact Ebina dealt with this first hand. For his mother to tell him not to hate the Yakuza and family she was associated with, only to be surrounded by no one as that family ignored him and her during hard times and her passing is going to change a person. For Ebina, thats all his life was, suffering from the very beginning at the hands of the Yakuza. For people like Kasuga to worship Arakawa, a man who wasn't there for Ebina and his mother. For Kiryu to keep the Tojo clan going for as long as he did only for more death and destruction to follow. I'm not saying Ebina was right or that hes justified, but his hate is completely believable. Objectively, he is a real victim from all of this. The apology Kiryu gives him is warranted and deserved. This part of the ending is perfect. Its such a shame its followed by some of the biggest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ this series has pulled in a long time.

Eiji is clearly meant to be Kasuga giving someone the chance Masato/Ryo Aoki didn't get to have due to Kume, a result of his actions effecting innocent people and turning them into monsters themselves. Masato wasn't a saint, but that second chance Kasuga was willing to give him made sense. They weren't blood related but they were best friends through early childhood, he loved him like a brother; he was family to him. Masato lived a life thinking no one appreciated him for who he was. The respect he got from being the Patriarchs son meant nothing. Through his words, Kasuga shows him that he had those around him that did truly love him, and if nothing else, Kasuga loves him, his actions getting to that point prove that. Kasuga absolutely would wait however long it takes for Masato to get out of jail to be there for him and help him from that rock bottom.

Eiji is not Masato, Eiji is as big a rat as Kume is. Both are Bleach Japan lunatics. I can extend my disbelief that Kasuga would forgive and try to be there and have Masato, his BROTHER atone, despite EVERYTHING. He's family. But Eiji? The BON VOYAGE guy? The guy who got other victims like him killed? Directly went after Kasugas mother? Directly went after Lani, a little girl, so that shed be killed? The guy who pushed said little girl strapped to a wheelchair down a flight of stairs with a pipe bomb?(that was really tear gas, but still)? This redemption for this slime ball of a character isn't earned nor is it justified. He lost his job at a newspaper place because he was framed for a crime the Yakuza committed, is that supposed to make him on the same level as Ebina? Give me a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ break. Does Chitose get a say in this? Her dreams and life was ruined directly cause of Eiji, guess not! Kasugas a super nice guy! So forgiving! It makes him static, there's no growth to his character. Rather than be at the hospital to make sure his close friend Kiryu is alright, rather than making sure his mother and Lani are alright, hes giving this nothing character that is Eiji a shot at redemption. If Kasuga is going to be the Like a Dragon/Yakuza equivalent of Steven Universe, just stop making him the protagonist.

8/10 - Phenomenal in almost every aspect, a true sequel, I just wish the things involving Kasuga had proper care and closure like Kiryus did.
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Yakuza: Like a Dragon
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Draindog 10 Jun, 2024 @ 1:07pm 
+rep fortnite god
byahu 12 Feb, 2024 @ 5:07pm 
+rep amazing survivor fun to play against and with gg :)
Gaidhlig 18 Oct, 2023 @ 7:42pm 
+ rep, gives out compliments and makes you feel good about yourself :)
silly billy 17 Aug, 2023 @ 5:28pm 
rebecca has a nice ass fr
RiotRatKing 10 Aug, 2023 @ 11:09am 
+rep let me live and let me hit that juicy ass
Liyran 19 Jul, 2023 @ 3:18am 
-rep, didn't cover wars