morgan   United States
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Vetrina del Collezionista
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SKTQT 7 gen, ore 17:15 
-rep short person anger. As to taking ttv outta my name, nah im alg gonna stream when not busy doing bbal
kylie 23 dic 2024, ore 18:43 
Not gonna lie I really want some grapes right now like I donโ€™t know how to explain why I really like grapes but like I really like grapes when I put them in the freezer and like itโ€™s just really like I really like grapes how do I explain this like when I put it in the freezer and when it what the freak Anyways after I put them in the freezer I take them out from the freezer at and I take them out and I take a bite and then like it really makes us like really crunchy noise and I really like the crunchy noise and how crunchy grapes are so I really like frozen grapes because they are really like crunchyand theyโ€™re really amazing as they like when they just come out of the freezer and yeah, I really like frozen grapes
bot 20 lug 2023, ore 14:50 
โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ. โ€ž-/*"\โ€ž,โ€ž,
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kylie 29 apr 2023, ore 10:22 
Sadly, I must explain why I camp. Not only do I protect the objective to kill you, as a killer should, but most importantly to protect myself; part of protecting myself is tackling my oppressors face to face. You see, in Dead by Daylight, the killer is most often the one who is the victim trying to survive; this is exacerbated by the fact that I am the world's scapegoat. These two points are proven upon examination of comments on my steam profile left by my assailants, "-rep camper with insidious in dbd, I hope your whole family dies in a car accident โ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ", "total camping โ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ. probably born with a birth defect... it's mental", and best of all "โ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ U, Bastard. Learn to play fair and face camping is for Looser Killer.xDDD Son from a โ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ โ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ". How can you look at all of this and say that I am not in danger? It is not safe for me to venture away from the objective and risk a scenario where I can not have a face-to-face interaction with the tyrants who have held me down.
Lopan 5 apr 2023, ore 22:59 
So rest assured that I will not be in the way of your gaming and socializing experience. Consider me a Player 2, a companion, a partner, and perhaps we can enjoy some video games together some time. I see you play apex legends, and are you good at mini games? I am a mini-game aficionado, so I would be happy to assist you in games. Platonically of course, unless you (like many others) change your mind on that. I look forward to our future together (as friends of course.)
Kafka Enjoyer 31 mar 2023, ore 15:32 
I believe in the better side of others. If all you can only show me is the negative side of yourself in the games then I want no part and you're clearly not a fun person. If you need ammunition to insult me and come to my profile page, just means you're not creative and unoriginal. I do like my music and will more often than not be listening to it. The current void in my game craving is Armored Core and yet there isn't very many games like it that can curb that. I focus on trying to have fun now and not on trying to win/lose. Yes I am more than likely older than some but, I've been play games since I was young and will continue too. Also, don't cause others unneeded stress in the games you play. Things are bad enough in the world already and people play games to escape that stuff. Also, depression is at an all time high for many, so don't ruin someone's day in a game because you have no idea what they could be going through.