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5 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 14.1 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 5.4 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
If you’ve been reading reviews for this game, you probably need a little bit of backstory. The developers, Zero Point Software, ran out of money pretty quickly. This caused the majority of the team to leave the company, leaving only the founder working on the game all by himself. Originally released in 2013, this game has not really gone very far. The majority of people who give negative reviews are doing it because they aren’t happy at the speed of which the development is moving along. However, this game is still alive. Update 28 is set to launch early to mid 2019, which has some promising features (you can check them out here[trello.com]) If you have the patience to deal with slow moving updates, then you could be interested in this game. The servers are generally populated on thursday’s, and the odd weekend where you can catch a group online (I know there is an official discord somewhere out there.) I’m a nut for singer player games, so I don’t really mind the lack of multiplayer available to me.

The graphics are great. Smooth, well lit, and barely and visual bugs (to my knowledge.) Looking out viewports on the space stations is stunning, and the layout of the stations themselves are also incredibly pleasing. Since this game is pretty graphics intensive, I wouldn’t suggest playing on a mac. Due to my lack of experience in multiplayer, I can’t really speak to the suits and makeup of the characters themselves. However, the combat robots can be vey scary and realistic (especially on the dark maps.) I find it very hard to be able to hate on any of the design aspects of this game.

The gameplay of this game isn’t really anything more then what you would get out of another FPS. There isn’t an extensive array or equipment, guns, or attachments, however those are all things that are coming soon. I really hope that another company scoops up this game, as it has a lot of potential and could really go far.

With regards to what you can do right after purchasing, there isn’t that much. If you’re lucky enough to be able to convince your friends to get the game with you, there’s 3 ‘campaign' missions you can do, and then 4 other challenge missions. I completed the first three missions very quickly, and have played around a bit with some of the challenges. In all honesty, without multiplayer there isn’t very much that can keep you entertained. I would suggest buying this game with some friends so you guys can have more fun with each other playing rather then just by yourself.

Multiplayer wise, like I said I don’t have much experience. I’ve played a few games, but with everyone using all the same gear and not many other gadgets, it’s not as fun.

Not much music wise, but the sounds of the weapons are awesome and the environmental noises are spot on.

Final Remarks
PLEASE BUY THIS GAME. Many people complain about the $10 price tag, but I grabbed mine for $5 on sale and would have definitely paid the full $10. I really hope that the developer chooses to open the game up to the community, which will hopefully kickstart more content and help generate more of a player base.
Yayınlanma 23 Ocak 2019.
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kayıtlarda 0.4 saat
Came for the steam achievments, stayed for the titties.

Yayınlanma 16 Ocak 2019.
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kayıtlarda 0.5 saat
Came for the steam achievments, stayed for the titties.

Yayınlanma 16 Ocak 2019.
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kayıtlarda 4.6 saat
I started my Half-Life craze with Half-Life 2, after getting a steam coupon for it. I would have to say that is the best thing I’ve ever received on this godforsaken platform. Anyway, of course I’m going to recommend this game. If yo haven’t read my review of Half-Life 2 yet, please go to my profile and do so now. I discuss the ending of that game with a little bit of bacgkround regarding the original.

The graphics are the same as in Half-Life 2, nothing really different or changed to mention. If you want to read more about that, go and check out my review on my profile.

The game itself is relatively short; only took me 4 1/2 hours to complete, but it is still extremely enjoyable. I know I’m probably being a bit stupid here when I say that you need to have played Half-Life 2 to understand what’s going on, but from what I’ve seen from certain members of this community it is not a bad assumption make that some idiot will just buy the game because they just can.

Anyway, the story continues to intrigue me. I don’t really like how the developers keep breaking up the game into shorter segments, as it makes me keep having to wait to be not-broke to continue the story. At least the games so far have come together in a very coherent way. I really don’t have way to much to say here, as the game is exactly the same as Half-Life 2 just with a continued story. If you enjoyed playing the last game, get this one.

Same as my old review. Nothing really special, keeps things interesting in parts.

Closing Remarks
If you enjoyed Half-Life 2, and you want to continue the story and learn what really happens, get this game. I bought it on sale, which was a smart move for me since the shortness of the game really doesn’t match up with the price tag.
Yayınlanma 2 Mayıs 2018. Son düzenlenme 7 Mayıs 2018.
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24 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
3 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 194.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 12.8 saat)
To start off this review, I just want to say that I do recommend this game but for specific types of players. If you’re the gamer nut who needs all of his/her games to be in 1080p and the best graphics for you to enjoy them, this game is not for you. If you can’t play any other FPS without saying “Black Ops was so much better than this,” then this game isn’t for you. If you’re looking for a semi-fun, free, decently developed FPS then this is a good place fore to burn a couple of hours. I did enjoy my time playing this game, despite some of the flaws (which I’ll be going over later on.)

The graphics are not great. Do keep in mind that this game was originally developed from a web browser game, and then developed further and brought onto the steam market. Those of you who have played some browser shooters can probably agree with me when I say that those graphics are absolutely ♥♥♥♥. While the Steam version is better, it’s still not incredible. Still very playable, and to an extend you can enjoy the obvious effort that was put into the maps and the weaponry.

The game doesn’t have any single player, (at least it didn’t when I last played,) so the only choice you have is to jump straight into a multiplayer battle and figure out the game for yourself.

What I really noticed during my time in game is that there are two very different types of players. You have the pro’s, who look like the honestly have nothing to do other than sit and play this game who destroy you every time you turn a corner. Then you get the absolute idiots, or the horrid players where you question whether or not they have a brain or hands. There are not many players in between, and if there are they are very rare.

The vehicles are a really cool addition. Tanks, helicopters, and jeeps diversify the battlefield and allow players the chance to play as a metal monster and run over infantry when presented the opportunity. However, at some times when you’re playing on the larger maps all people do is sit in spawn and wait for the OP vehicles to spawn. This can create really just a bunch of tanks and helicopters fighting it out while a struggling infantryman tries to take down an Abrahms with his M9.

The game is also extremely easy. The starter guns are good, kill in a couple of shots and even less if you are a decent shot. This is the aspect that can make the game boring fast. Yes there are things to work for, but if you’re not an incredible player or spend a bit of money it’s really difficult to get the really good guns just by yourself.

Nothing much here. The intro gets kind of annoying so I’m assuming most people like I did just turned it off.

Closing Remarks
I started writing this review with the intent for it to be a recommended game, but during it I felt kind of conflicted. I enjoyed my time in the game mostly because it was free, and it kept me occupied for a small amount of time. I’m keeping my positive review just because of what I said in my opening, that people will give it negative just because it doesn’t have the budget or developers experience to be as good as call of duty or any of the other hit FPS games. Should you play this game? I guess. Who knows, try it for yourself and figure it all out.
Yayınlanma 27 Nisan 2018.
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kayıtlarda 2,129.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 1,283.8 saat)
CS:GO İncelemesi
CS:GO has eaten too much of my life away, where I’ve been through spurts of playing non-stop trying to rank up, mucking around with friends, and then not playing it at all. I’ve sold and rebuilt my inventory numerous times, just because I lose interest too quickly. However, this does not mean I don’t recommend the game. I would have to go with most other people and say that it is indeed a good game, despite the fact that it’s not really changing.

The graphics are fine. Nothing incredible, but good. The object of the game isn’t really to make the game look incredible, but more for it to be playable by players from all different places and computers. I do however enjoy the developers are trying to make the game look nicer, with revamped guns and remodeled maps. For example, I think that when they remodeled Nuke it looked amazing afterwards, (throwback to when they did that and Nuke queue time went down to 26 seconds, right?)

Like I said above, the game gets stale. I don’t really have an issue with the gameplay; the guns are relatively balanced and the tactical aspect is nice. The idea of the economy is also a good aspect of the game. The idea of ‘eco rounds,’ and saving/spending as a team is something that not a lot of other games have.

I only have one real dislike about the game, and that is I think the developers are a bit too quick to release a new gun for players to use. The infamous R8 update absolutely killed my love for the game the first time, dropping me from the top 15% of players all the way down to somewhere in gold nova, where I then quit the game for a couple years. The R8 became an AWP, capable of shooting cross map one shot to the chest, 7 times. Had that update not left ranks shattered, I think I would have never quit the game and still be avidly playing to this day.

The music gets stale quick. I’ve had it turned off for the longest time. The music kits are really cool though, and I think it was a great way to suck more money from players.

Closing Remarks
I would love to see them change the game in some way. I like the CS:GO that it is now, but it would be legendary to see different game modes with a new set of rules, and possibly new guns as well.
Yayınlanma 2 Nisan 2018.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 137.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 62.4 saat)
Christ, I honestly don’t know what to say about this game. The developers knocked this out of the park no questions asked. I know this game is really expensive, but IT IS TOTALLY WORTH IT. It’s one of the few really good games I can run on my ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Mac, even though I need to set all the settings on low for it to be playable.

Dying Light was meant to be played on a high end PC, optimal for loading Harran and all of the zombie entities. The city itself is a sight to behold, (just check the screenshots on the game page,) with the weather, sun, and small details to the buildings and street making it even more incredible. The weapons, cars, and small details to the map are configured to perfection, leaving the player in awe to just watch and explore. The zombies look incredibly real, and can even be scary when they get right into your face and grab you.

Dying light is a mostly single player game, with a little bit of a multiplayer aspect if you choose. I’ll start by talking about the main storyline. It’s interesting, fun, and keeps you entertained throughout the entire thing. I would recommend taking your time with it, as to truly understand the story you need every small bit of detail, sometimes requiring you to explore different areas and talk to different characters. My favorite part of the game is that it’s not just the main campaign. There’s a multitude of side quests that you can run through that add a different aspect to the game, furthermore strengthening your knowledge of the background of the virus and the people who are surviving with it. There are also skill challenges, areas where you try to reach a certain area in a certain time, or kill a certain amount of zombies in a set time. There are also random encounters. These are probably some of the coolest things in the game, such as hostage situations, soldier attacks, helping survivors in the street or defend their homes, and even find mystery shop vendors. Also, you can find survivors who have a story to tell. These stories can be inspiring, heartfelt, and even extremely depressing at some points.

The game is also filled with hidden secrets and Easter Eggs, just waiting to be found. You can cheat like me and search for them on youtube, but finding them yourself is even more rewarding. To me, half the fun of this game is exploring yourself. The sprawling city hides a ton of secrets in the mountains, in houses, and deep in the Ocean. If you beat the campaign quickly, there is so much more you can do to keep yourself entertained.

Multiplayer / Be The Zombie
Honestly, I’m not a huge fan of this mode. I’ve tried it a couple times, on both sides, and it’s scary as absolute ♥♥♥♥. The night hunter is an absolutely terrifying being, and when it jumps you out of nowhere it can scare the life out of you. I personally think this mode is just generally unbalanced, with it being difficult for the survivor to win unless he has help or the hunter is just generally incompetent.

Usually people don’t are about the soundtrack, but it’s realistic. During action chase scenes and pursuits, the music makes you feel a bit more fearful or even give you a rush that makes the game feel more real.
Yayınlanma 2 Nisan 2018. Son düzenlenme 2 Nisan 2018.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 16.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 14.0 saat)
I only have about 6 hours of this game, but I've so enjoyed the amount of time I've spent with it I feel this kind of review is warrented. If you have the chance, GET THIS GAME. It's more worth then I can say.

UPDATE: Beat the game, up everything good I said by like 10x :)


For a game released in 2004, the graphics in this game are great. Because I'm playing this game in 2018, and coming from high definition games released just this year make me a little blind to the work that has gone in. My favorite thing about the graphics in this game is that no area is left untouched. A lot of games struggle to properly construct certain areas, patches of grass, ect, but Half-Life does this well.


My all time favorite campaign is Halo 5 (I know I'm a nerd,) and this game nearly gets there. A lot of games struggle to keep long storylines fresh and interesting without making anything too predicatable, and I can safely say this is not one of those games.

The puzzle aspect of this game is my favorite. Unlike other FPS campaigns, there are moments in the storyline where you need to stop, think, and sometimes try mulitple things before you finally find the answer. However, all of the puzzles become clear when you really step back and look at the situation, thanks to hints from the developers.

I challenge you to play through the entire game without using any outside source :)


There isn't a whole lot, but the music helps some areas get more intense (especially in the mines.)




Ok so the ending somewhat confused me. I guess that part of it could be because I didn't play the original Half-Life game, but usually I'm pretty good at peices parts of a plot together. Breaching the citadel was fun enough, but I feel that only allowing players to use the gravity gun (which is overpowered as absolute ♥♥♥♥) isn't as fun as allowing us to blast the combine with the many differnet weapons we've aquired over the game.

I can honestly say I didn't really enjoy the very end of the game. If I didn't enjoy the rest of it so much, I think I would give the game as a whole a bad review (but I did so here I am :) Destroying the portal was relatively easy and fun. However, when that boi pops out of the portal, (who isn't even really a boy, it looked like he wasn't real, some part of a spiritual world maybe?) The confusion started. He began talking about other people watching you, and wanting your services. This somewhat made me think about who Dr. Freeman really is, and where he came from. I also didn't liek how it left you hanging. Did Gordon die? What happened to Alex?

Anyway, overall I enjoyed the game. I plan on playing Episode 1 to really see how it ended, and then from there I'll porbably end up changing my review. If you want to add me to talk about it, just drop a comment on my page and I'll be happy to discuss.
Yayınlanma 28 Ocak 2018. Son düzenlenme 20 Nisan 2018.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 1,812.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 1,387.1 saat)
Unturned is that game where you either love it, or you hate it. If you want an accurate description of what the game is, think of it as Minecraft ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Roblox and the kid's uncle is Call of Duty. Unturned creates a great balance of pvp/sandbox and is perfect for anyone looking for a free easy game to get into with friends.


This game is not as blocky as people say. In my opinion, the graphics are about as good as they could get for a game like this. Have a good enough computer to run the ultra graphics? Sit back in awe because those looks can get pretty unreal.


Unturned has both a single player aspect and a mulitplayer aspect, with the multiplayer aspect just being the singleplayer aspect, but with other people. The really amazing thing about Unturned is that the types of servers you can run is endless, which means that there is definitly a server that has just what you are looking for in the game. Enjoy owning shops, trading with other players, and going on missions together? A basic RP server is right up your alley. Don't want to have to worry about saving items, just want to PvP? A KitPvP server is just for you. Want a mix? There's more basic survival servers then you can count, all with different loot variations, zombie spawns, and mods.

The mods on this game add an aspect that can make each server completly unique. I encourage people to take advantage of the modded servers as they help keep the game fresh and interesting.

I ran about 4 different kinds of servers in this game. They were easy to configure, setup, and customize. I started with basic survival, but eventually moved to Military RP, which is where it stayed for a while. Unturned has a bigger player base then you think, but be warned it could be considered a "kid's game." The issue is kids lose intrest in things quickly, like servers. I urge you to keep things fresh and new if you plan on maintaing a great server and still enjoying the game itself as well.


The intro song is cool I guess.
Yayınlanma 9 Ocak 2018. Son düzenlenme 30 Mart 2018.
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kayıtlarda 1.1 saat

I was shown this game by a friend, and it looked like it would be a prefect fit for what I was looking for. I'm unfortunatly a Mac gamer, so I was hopeful to see that this game is indeed available for my platform. However, when I fist purchased the game and boot it up, it would just not load past the main screen. The music would play, but the game itself would go nowhere. Reinstalling, technical support, and even restarting my computer did not seem to solve the problem. Due to being unable to play, I refunded the game and am forced to say that I cannot recommend this game to anyone in my shoes.

Mac users beware.
Yayınlanma 18 Ekim 2015. Son düzenlenme 19 Aralık 2017.
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