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How do I rate War Stories: Fall of Poland as a whole? I knew I was never going to rate it higher than Axis Operations. Just being a self-contained campaign as opposed to being part of an epic mega campaign will always make it rank a bit lower. Axis Operations is just the magnum opus of the Panzer General/Panzer Corps series and it is always hard to stand in its shadow. I really did love the campaign though. I thought the scenarios were very well designed, almost all of them were challenging but had a very satisfying level of difficulty and never felt too punishing. It gives you some super elite objectives to shoot for if you feel brave enough and often did a good job of having these multiple layers of challenges that the player has to try to balance. You might have the main objective but then you have the goal of trying to keep your characters alive which can be very difficult at times, and then you have to try to use your very meager air units as intelligently as possible and consider carefully if their use will be worth any potential casualties that you can ill afford. I found all of the characters likeable enough and keeping them alive definitely spiced up the scenarios but I do think there was an opportunity to flesh them out further. We don't really get briefings in this campaign, so if we are sacrificing that, I would have at least liked a lot more interactions with the characters to make up for it. Losing the briefings and debriefings was the biggest flaw with the campaign. We really became spoiled with how well done they were in Axis Operations. Then we get Frontlines which had very boring briefings and then here we scarcely have briefings at all. I think some scenarios could have really benefited from having briefings just in a pure gampeplay perspective to help players understand certain objectives better. I did appreciate that at least we got a solid amount of named units, and I felt that really added to the flavor at least.

So, in the end I would rank War Stories: Fall of Poland below Axis Operations but above Frontlines. It does do a good job of making the player experience what Poland went through during this time and has better scenario design than Frontlines. It is interesting that so many of the negative reviews on here have comments like "why do I want to be beat up all day at work and then come home to be beat up while playing this". The difficulty level is a bit higher than usual in this one, which is to be expected of course. It does seem that in the cultural zeitgeist, we are all collectively getting ground into the dust right now, a bit like Poland in this campaign. I can understand why players therefore might find this campaign a bit too "real" at this point in time. Nonetheless, I think it was a great accomplishment and I do hope that the War Stories series continues.
Közzétéve: szeptember 8.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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47.9 óra a nyilvántartásban (14.6 óra az értékeléskor)
Drean Tactics came recommended on my steam page one day and I instantly fell in love with it, the pixel art style, the character designs, the turn-based strategy and deckbuilding combined, probably my two favorite genres. I was sold instantly and it definitely met my expectations, it is a well crafted strategy game with very satisfying gameplay. The characters are lovable, and the dialogue is very clever, several points really made me laugh. The music is very nice and appropriately dream-like as well.

My only complaints is that there can be major difficulty spikes playing on medium. Specifically what I assume is the last encounter in the Coral Oasis has been very frustrating. It would be nice if there was less enemy scaling so we could potentially return to a frustrating battle after leveling up a bit. Oh yeah, I should mention there is enemy scaling, for better or worse. Its generally not a problem but there are times it is inconvenient. Generally I am not a fan of scaling, I find just having enemies have a set level is more honest and avoids the most problems. Those are my only gripes gameplay wise, the other thing that bothers me is that sometimes the characters can be jerks. Honestly, I feel bad for the little pillow dudes sometimes and I wish our characters weren't so murdery. A bit of role-playing and allowing some kind of diplomatic solutions sometimes would have been appreciated.

Above all else, you can tell this was a game that just has an abundance of soul and passion put into it. If you like turn-based strategy games, this will be an excellent purchase for you. The game has several difficulty modes, and even a "randomizer" mode which sounds like it makes the game almost rogue-like in the way different cards and characters are unlocked, which can make for some very fun and unique builds it sounds like. You will get plenty of great hours of enjoyment from this one and support what seems like some super cool indie devs. So if you are on the fence, I urge you to get it right away!

Közzétéve: június 17.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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0.0 óra a nyilvántartásban
I was a beta tester for this DLC and let me tell you, this has to take my final award for finest DLC in the series. It is just so ambitious and creative. The amount of new units is absolutely insane, and they are the craziest, most badass units ever seen in a World War II game! The scenario design is mostly very good, some of the later missions felt like they didn't have as much narrative flavor at least in the beta version.

The elite rewards are often very insane but highly, highly rewarding to complete. The cast of characters that we have grown to love was in top form. And boy, this DLC is LONG! You will get your money's worth for sure. I feel like it was at least double the length of 1945, maybe even triple! I highly, highly recommend any fans of the series pick it up right away! More than anything else, the creativity on display was what put it in the top spot.
Közzétéve: 2023. december 2. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2023. december 2.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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45.1 óra a nyilvántartásban (1.9 óra az értékeléskor)
Korai hozzáférési értékelés
I played the demo for 16 hours and let me tell you, this game is outstanding! It is going to be a big hit once word gets around. It has an amazing artstyle, great character designs, and two incredibly deep and entertaining primary modes. The stories are are super charming, and the Tusk Tales is a rogue lite deckbuilder that is incredibly satisfying and infinitely replayable. There are big plans to add a lot more to the game and the developers are super chill and nice. I think this game has an incredibly bright future and even now in early access it will give you nearly infinite enjoyment. I can't recommend this game enough!
Közzétéve: 2023. november 29.
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30.9 óra a nyilvántartásban
The developer has decided to embrace very heavy-handed censorship. If you don't support this kind of virtue signalling, you should avoid this product.
Közzétéve: 2023. július 4.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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0.0 óra a nyilvántartásban
I am ready to say 1945 might be the best year of the Axis Operations series. It just does so many ambitious things and executes on the kind of atmosphere it wants to create so well. Not to mention it has so many of the types of scenarios that I love (defensive battles and "impossible" battles) with lots of great flavor thrown in along the way. I am someone who strongly, strongly prefers games and movies with happy endings so I was somewhat dreading the historical branch because I thought it was going to be exhausting. And in a way it was, but it was so well done and executed. Oh, and Panther IIs make everything better. The historical branch just gives the player a sense of futility and dread that I have never experienced in a war game before.

And the ahistorical path is even better! I don't want to spoil it but there are some very exciting storyline developments and the game creates a very unique alt-history scenario. Even better, it leaves things in a very exciting position for 1946

Közzétéve: 2023. július 4.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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0.0 óra a nyilvántartásban
1943 is another excellent entry. You can tell the design of the scenarios and the writing quality continues to improve with each release. The ahistorical branch is awesome and has some truly epic moments, I wholeheartedly recommend it to any strategy game fans.
Közzétéve: 2022. október 4.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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Now if you asked me halfway through how I would rank this DLC next to what I considered the previous champion, 1940, I was inclined to say it was a tie. It is very hard to top the Rommel parts and Sealion missions of 1940, but this DLC ended on such a strong note, I am now inclined to give the title to 1941! A wonderful campaign with well-crafted scenarios that are extremely creative in telling the story of Operation Barbarossa in often subtle ways, not to mention we get to see the Balkans campaign actually done justice for the first time in history. We meet a new character, Gerhardt, the lovable awkward and naive lieutenant, was well done. We then see Wagner really come into his own, becoming a badass hardened soldier. His story helps make the DLC what it is. . We end the DLC on a mysterious cliffhanger, but I won't spoil it.

One last matter of business, I hope one day they make a 1941 West. last time we got a 42-43 West that was amazing, but we never saw the Afrika Korps get the grand campaign treatment. It would be great to import a 1940 core into 41 West and let us experience the early battles in the desert, maybe even before the official Afrika Korps starts we can "oversee" the Italians in the same way we did in Greece.

OK, thats all, well done to the Panzer Corps 2 team on an AMAZING campaign!
Közzétéve: 2021. március 19.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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0.0 óra a nyilvántartásban
1939 carries on the story of Stefan Wagner and the General from the SCW expansion and maintains that same quality. 1939 plays it by the books and sticks closer to the classic Panzer Corps formula, with AI allies being no longer present. This was something of a sad fact for me because I loved having an AI bro that I was going through the scenarios with but if you didn't like this part of SCW, then you won't have to worry about it here. AO: 1939 takes you to locations that you pretty much never see in wargames, with the Saar Offensive featuring prominently, as well as Czechoslovakia, Denmark and of course, Poland. It is definitely not just a retread of the previous Grand Campaign, which I love. There are branching paths, secret heroes you can earn, hidden weapons caches and unique bonuses for if you import a core vs not importing so there is tons of replay value, and the writing is just as good as in SCW. Stefan Wagner is such a good lad. The overall package is outstanding and its for some reason cheaper than SCW, WTF! To conclude, If the armed subjugation of Europe is your idea of a good time then Siegfried, this is your ticket to Valhalla.
Közzétéve: 2020. augusztus 30. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2020. augusztus 30.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
11 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
0.0 óra a nyilvántartásban
Axis Operations: Spanish Civil War is an extremely well-crafted new DLC that builds on the legacy of the legendary Grand Campaign while taking it to the next level in terms of quality and quantity of its content. If this is indicator of the level of quality we should expect from this new Axis Operations series, then Panzer Corps 2 truly has a bright future ahead of it. The scenarios are extremely well crafted with a lot of interesting new mechanics and mein Gott! There are just so many of them! This DLC is thiccer than a King Tiger. I swear this DLC feels as long as the vanilla campaign all by itself. There is even a lot of replay value with the different branching paths and secret content you can find. You will also love the new characters we are introduced to in the briefings and enjoy the high quality of writing. Anyone who enjoys turn-based strategy should consider this a must-buy!

Update: I am on my third playthrough and still having a blast. This DLC just has some undefinable, magical quality that just makes it so extremely satisfying to play. The mission design, the writing and characters, I have spent more time with this DLC than I have the vanilla game. And yet this is just the "prologue" to the upcoming grand campaign!
Közzétéve: 2020. július 17. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2020. július 18.
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