Daniel   California, United States
Achievement Hunter. Completionist.
Grinding for 98% Avg. Game Completion Rate!
120 out 129 played games 100% -5* Games Remain

*4 Games with broken/no longer possible achievements

1st Achievement: Portal - Fratricide
100th: Counter Strike: Source - Newb World Order - Sept 28, 2011
500th: Dark Souls II - Last Giant - July 20th, 2014
1000th: The Walking Dead Season 2 - Eye of the Storm - Mar 29, 2015
1337th: Divinity: Original Sin - Fabulous Disaster - Aug 10th, 2015
2000th: Civilization V - Modern Major-General - May 29th, 2016
3000th: Grand Theft Auto V - The Bogdan Problem - Feb 22nd, 2018
4000th: Dark Souls: Remastered - The Dark Soul - Oct 19th, 2018
5000th: Game of Thrones - Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken - Oct 19th, 2019
6000th: STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order - Sept 24th, 2022

1st 100%: Half-Life 2 - Feb 5th, 2014
10th: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Jan 24th, 2015
20th: Black Mesa - July 11th, 2015
30th: Batman - The Telltale Series - Apr 25th, 2017
40th: The Final Station - Jan 4th, 2018
50th: NieR:Automata - Mar 26, 2018
60th: Salt and Sanctuary - May 19, 2018
70th: Dark Souls: Remastered - Oct 19, 2018
80th: Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice - Mar 5, 2019
90th: Human: Fall Flat - Oct 8, 2019 [Co-op]
100th: Warframe - May 9, 2021
110th: STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor - Jan 11, 2024
120th: Final Fantasy - Feb 2, 2025
Currently In-Game
Deep Rock Galactic
Perfect Games (120/129)
:b2b:Back to Bed:b2b:
:roll:Baldur's Gate 3:roll:
:Arberrang:The Banner Saga:Longship:
:batsymbol:Batman - The Telltale Series:batsymbol:
:batsymbol:Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition:batsymbol:
:batsymbol:Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series:batsymbol:
:Excrement_Item:A Bird Story:Excrement_Item:
:bird:Bioshock Infinite:cage:
:bms_crowbar:Black Mesa:bms_crowbar:
:borderlands2:Borderlands 2:borderlands2:
:bigbrother:Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons:LittleBrother:
:csgoanarchist:Counter-Strike 2 (originally CS:GO):csgohelmet:
:csgoanarchist:Counter-Strike: Source:csgohelmet:
:wumpafruit:Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy:wumpafruit:
:judy:Cyberpunk 2077:smasher:
:praisesun:Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition:praisesun:
:praisesun:Dark Souls II:praisesun:
:praisesun:Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin:praisesun:
:praisesun:Dark Souls III:praisesun:
:praisesun:Dark Souls: Remastered:praisesun:
:stress:Darkest Dungeon:stress:
:WrathCore:Darksiders - Warmasted Edition:WrathCore:
:dizombie:Dead Island:dizombie:
:SadSkyhammer:Dirty Bomb:SadSkyhammer:
:dos2skull:Divinity: Original Sin 2:dos2skull:
:dwarven:Divinity: Original Sin (Classic):dwarven:
:idglass:Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition:idglass:
:whiterun:The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim:riften:
:Uranium:Fallout 4:Uranium:
:Uranium:Fallout: New Vegas:pokerchips:
:FFexcalibur:Final Fantasy:FFexcalibur:
:mog:Final Fantasy VI:mog:
:FFXIIImog:Final Fantasy VII:FFXIIImog:
:FFXIIImog:Final Fantasy IX:FFXIIImog:
:cactuar:Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster:cactuar:
:FFXIIIlightning:Final Fantasy XIII:FFXIIIvanille:
:conductor_live:The Final Station:conductor_turned:
:ftkcrown:For The King:ftkcrown:
:ghsmile:Game Dev Tycoon:antipiracy:
:toilet:Game of Thrones:toilet:
:mundogolf:Golf With Your Friends:mundogolf:
:papermoney:Grand Theft Auto V:papermoney:
:flag:GRID 2:flag:
:gordon:Half-Life 2:headcrab:
:gman:Half-Life 2: Episode One:headcrab: (delisted)
:alyx:Half-Life 2: Episode Two:headcrab: (delisted)
:surtr:Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice:surtr:
:VANQAssaultRifle:Intrusion 2:VANQAssaultRifle:
:victoria:Ironclad Tactics:puzzlemaxwell:
:cody:It Takes Two:may: Co-op
:mage:Knights of Pen and Paper +1:mage:
:steammocking:Left 4 Dead:steamfacepalm:
:poc:Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky:poc:
:Rings:LEGO The Lord of the Rings:Rings:
Mass Effect Legendary Edition
:Mstar:Metro 2033 Redux:MSparta:
:gasmask:Metro: Last Light:gasmask:
:nephbefox:Nephise Begins:nephbefox:
:nuna:Never Alone:nuna:
:summersun:The Planet Crafter:summermoon:
:pokerchips:Poker Night at the Inventory:pokerchips:
:pokerchips:Poker Night 2:pokerchips:
:helmet:Project Mercury:helmet:
:Abgoldstar:Red Dead Redemption 2:Abgoldstar:
:RogueChicken:Rogue Legacy:RogueChicken:
:saltmend:Salt and Sanctuary:saltmend:
:Drum:The Search:Drum:
:terrorstatus:Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice:terrorstatus:
:wrongdad:Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015: Do You Still Shower With Your Dad:wrongdad:
:Diplomat:Sid Meier's Civilization V:Citadel:
:kongo_icon:Sid Meier's Civilization VI:scythia_icon:
:AffinityHarmony:Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth:AffinityPurity:
:CalKestis:STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order:BD1:
:survivorcal:STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor:merrin:
:checkmate:Tabletop Simulator:roll:
:bandit:Tales from the Borderlands:bandit:
:meds:This War of Mine:meds:
:Excrement_Item:To the Moon:Excrement_Item:
:ts_serenoa:TRIANGLE STRATEGY:ts_frederica:
:Abgoldstar:Universe Sandbox Legacy:Abgoldstar:
:cowskull:The Vanishing of Ethan Carter:cowskull:
:ectree:The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux:ectree:
:gr2bucket:Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior:gr2bucket:
:Clementine:The Walking Dead:Carley:
:Clementine:The Walking Dead: A New Frontier:Clementine:
:Kenny:The Walking Dead: Michonne:Clementine:
:Kenny:The Walking Dead: Season Two:Kenny:
:wh:Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide:wh:
:RadioCallIn:Wasteland 2: Director's Cut:RadioCallIn:
:spg2wolf:The Wolf Among Us:spg2wolf:
:wehrmacht:Wolfenstein: The New Order:wehrmacht:
:ConcreteDonkey:Worms Revolution:ConcreteDonkey:

Broken/No Longer Possible
:AngrySword:Total War: SHOGUN 2:AngrySword:
:Excrement_Item:Legends of Pegasus:Excrement_Item:
:steamsad:Sword Coast Legends:steamsad:
Completionist Showcase
Screenshot Showcase
Tales from the Borderlands
Favorite Game
Favorite Group
100% Achievements Group - Public Group
It's all or nothing.
In Chat
Review Showcase
3.5 Hours played
Like many who have played this game, I'm sure, I was recommended it because "the story was so good". At this point, I can disagree, but a game can still be good despite having an opinion on the story. However, even if I thought the story was good, this game absolutely falls apart in other areas.

Graphics/Sound - Honestly passable for the medium used, can't complain about this at all. Great work for an RPG Maker title.

Gameplay - This game fell apart for me early. This would have been better suited as a visual novel of some kind, because the gameplay feels uninspired and more like an annoying 5 minute barrier rather than a rewarding experience that adds to the story.

Story - The dialogue of this game is amateur at best, with bad puns and corny dialogue ruining anything anything that would of had a chance to be poignant. The big reason I dislike this game, however, is philisophical. This old man, who has lived a life full of regret and mistreatment, decides that he wants to forget everything before he dies. Not just forget but change his memories entirely so that when he does die, he can die happy. There is no atonement, no making things right, not going about fixing what he regrets or facing his trauma, just "forget it then die". Nothing changed. This man is a coward, and died as one. My personal feelings on the story don't factor into the fact that I would not recommend this game however, there are plenty of other reasons for that.
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Recent Activity
73 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
95 hrs on record
last played on 24 Feb
154 hrs on record
last played on 24 Feb
500 XP
Rovitemptis 1 Jan, 2014 @ 11:29pm 