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858 Hours played
So this game now has microtransactions which almir said there would never be, good job payday 2 is not p2w i'm out

Before i say anything about this game i have played the first payday and it was one of my favorite game. So to start my review off for this game i bought the CCE edition of this so that i could get beta access for the game. When eall of the dev's were hyping the game saying about the safehouse customization and the planned 30 heists. After the game got closer to release i got more hyped and then the 30 heists this turned into 18 heists. So when the game came out i jumped onto it and i was happy well as happy as you can get for playing the same crappy heists over and over. There are a lot of problems with this game and every update they always release more and more bugs which makes the game less and less fun. Stealth in this game isn't my strong point but i was able to do it after various attempt's. With all of the new updates that have nerfed stealth mainly for me with the body bag changes stealth for me and many other people is now literally impossible becuase we cant simply do it.

DLC for payday 2 is absoloutly horrible. In my opinion the only DLC that is remotly worth the money is armoured transport all the others are just space fillers that are there if i want to try something differn't with my friends if they can stomach to play this game. the gage weapon packs are the worst way to say we haven't worked on this game in a month and we're not going to work on it have these weapons that suck so we can go spend your loyal money down a pub. The most recent DLC the gage mod courier shouldn't have even been a paid DLC. A DLC just for weapon mods that should have been in the game since release shouldn't be allowed to have a price tag attached to it.

Everytime overklill release something that goldfarb showed off on twitter for the past 4 months they have the lovely of putting the FREE tag on it acting like it's this amasing thing when it's not it never is. If one game company thinks it's ok to do this then it could be a trend that no company should ever follow becuase if another company turns out like overkill then their loyal fans they thought would stick with them through all the bad things they did would just say no untill you fix your product which your not going to fix we are not buying your next product.

So lets talk about the good things about this game even though they have ruined most of them.
The weapon customization in this game is very good, it's nice compared to the first game where you had to level up a certain tree to get either a new sight or a physical change to your gun. Now it is finish a heist hope to get lucky and get a weapon card and attach it to your gun.
Another nice thing is the mask customization which the first game never had. Just finish a heist get the card for your mask or mask paint and pattern then mod your mask to be the prettiest heister out there.

So after the 173 hours i have spent in this game would i recommend it to a friend like i did at launch.

No and i would stress to someone not to buy it becuase the game is broken and with the dev team not showing this game any care at all but reather a plea for money and have faith in us we're fixing it.

The game has been out long enough for the dev's to be able to fix the game but it is obvious money is more important to them than their fans. This game can't recover i have more hope for battlefeild 4 recovering than this that is how much faith i have left in overkill. If you are even thinking of buying the next game overkill release i would ask you to think highly on how the previous game turned out.
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