
Последние обзоры [Nat1] Actias luna

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2.7 ч. всего
Today I spent my money on something useful and now I understand why men enjoy digging holes so much. Was a 10/10 experience, would dig again.
Опубликовано 22 февраля.
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6.9 ч. всего
I really loved this game. Haven't played it for a long time tho, so I didn't even notice it got shut down before today. Anyways it was a lot of fun and if they ever release a similar game, I would play it again. Was the best prophunt game I played so far.
Опубликовано 18 января.
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1.9 ч. всего
So far, it's a really fun game.

We tried it in multiplayer without any problems. I like the design and contents so far. It's a game that definitely is something for cozy game enjoyers, and I see the potential for a lot more content. None of us noticed any bugs like other people mentioned, tbh. And even after completing the demo, it doesn't feel draining. I could see myself spending many more hours in this game, actually.

I am looking forward to the release of the full version.
Опубликовано 10 июля 2024 г..
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1.1 ч. всего
I had a lot of fun playing this game! Finding all anomalies was a pain in the you know what but super interesting. My friends watching me also had fun. It's a short game but well made. I can recommend it.
Опубликовано 5 декабря 2023 г..
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6.8 ч. всего (4.7 ч. в момент написания)
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Never bonked my friends so hard to death before. I will probably still sit here crying laughing in this game until no noot november.
Опубликовано 9 мая 2022 г..
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9.4 ч. всего (9.4 ч. в момент написания)
Also als Fan der Age Reihe, finde ich den 4. Teil echt gut.
Nach einem stressigen Arbeitstag, macht es Spaß in diesem Spiel zu entspannen.
Und es ist perfekt um Freunde zu ärgern ;)
Das einzige, was mir nicht so gefällt ist die Kampagne. Die finde ich dann doch recht langweilig. Aber das ist ja nur mein persönliches Empfinden :)
Опубликовано 24 ноября 2021 г..
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0.9 ч. всего
It's a simple designed game with lots of brainstorming requirements XD
It has a cute style and I can recommend it if you like labyrinths or are a fan of undertale like games, although it's very small compared to others of that kind so you will get through it pretty fast.
Still theres nothing to complain about in my opinion.
Опубликовано 28 ноября 2020 г..
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5.1 ч. всего (3.8 ч. в момент написания)
It's a pretty fun and simple game for both: singleplayer and CO-OP mode. The Puzzles and Levels are very individual and can keep you entertained for hours.
Especially if you want to play it with friends, it's a good choice for this prize.
Опубликовано 4 июля 2020 г..
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243.2 ч. всего (80.1 ч. в момент написания)
I really love MHW! Some older Monster Hunter Games were a big part of my childhood, so I had big expectations of MHW and I have to say, even though it's one of the more expensive games (including dlc's) I think it's totally worth it.

I like the individuality of the character design/ choices you have. The gameplay itself is really smooth, the graphics are great and the gamedesign is gorgeous. I literally made so many screenshots of this game just because it looked so fantastic. It never gets boring since you have so many quests and stuff you can do. I also like that you can change your weapon at any time.
If you want to reach a high rank/ get strong/... you also have to grind a lot, which is totally fine in my opinion (otherwise it would be boring)

The Iceborn DLC is totally worth it's money if you like the game itself (just try) you get more story, more character options, other weapons, armor and a lot more (but it's not ptw, since you have to craft everything anyways and get nothing for free)

I really like the multiplayer option as well, since it's way more fun to play with other people.

BUT the "servers" or "lobbies" are not quite stable yet, so it may happen from time to time that you get thrown out and have to join a lobby again...this is no problem but really annoying if you want to play with friends since this can also happen in the middle of a quest and often you have no chance to get back in (means the whole group has to start the quest again)
Also I don't like that you can only join a friends quest when they have already watched the cutscene for once. It's a lot of waiting time, I would appreciate if someday you can watch it with them, so even though you've already seen it or have to see it yourself, you don't have to wait in the lobby.

But these multiplayer/ server problems are the only thing I can complain about and I think it will get fixed soon, so all in all it's a great game, for me one of my favorites.

I don't regret buying it at all.
Опубликовано 6 марта 2020 г..
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19.9 ч. всего (19.0 ч. в момент написания)
It's one of the best games I've ever bought.
It may look simple and average, but I love the style and the soundtrack is just godlike <3
The characters are unique and their stories are also exciting.
So in my opinion, the game is totally worth buying.
Опубликовано 9 января 2018 г..
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