Utávio   Setubal, Portugal
"Out of no where again Otacon sccreamed "JAKE SNAKE BEHIND YOU AGAIN!" and Jake Snake turned around and there was 10 bad guys there. Jake Snake throwed a flash bang and put on glasses so the flashes wouldnt hurt him then the flash went away and he put the glasses away and the bad guys coudlnt see. Jake Snake standed up and crawled to one of the bad guys and borke his arm and his neck and throwed him at another bad guy and snapped off his head. Jake Snake took out his wepon that he got from the boss metal gear and made a bad guy blow up then he throwed the gun at 2 bad guys and killd them too. Then Jake Snake choked a guy and riped off his arms and throwed them at anoter guy then he went to the other guy and stepd on him til he died."
Vetrina degli achievement più rari
Kaji 24 dic 2022, ore 5:00 
1/2 maço de brócolis

3 xícaras de chá de água

1 colher de sopa de azeite

1/2 cebola

1 dente de alho

1 xícara de chá de arroz

1/2 colher de chá de sal

1 pitada de bicarbonato de sódio

Solte o arroz com um garfo e está pronto para servir.

Peixe ou frango grelhados são excelentes opções de acompanhamento para o seu arroz de brócolis. E você pode utilizar a mesma técnica para preparar arroz com outras verduras como, por exemplo, espinafre ou couve. Capriche no preparo e tenha um bom apetite!
eintrachtler4life 26 ago 2019, ore 10:08 
Hey ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ whats wrong with your internet you hairy ♥♥♥♥♥
icyyy 26 ago 2019, ore 7:27 
your ♥♥♥♥♥ internet dude
Sora 30 ott 2018, ore 14:46 
got lag spikes when losing your promotion :( was that your connection or was it on purpose?
Secca~ 10 set 2018, ore 15:15 
most boring-ass player ever
Acornbot 6 apr 2013, ore 8:58 
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