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Скорошни рецензии на micatius

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375 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
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6,044.2 изиграни часа (5,553.7 часа по време на рецензията)
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Публикувана 15 юни 2021.
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23.7 изиграни часа
Great graphics, great combat, fluid platforming. Soundtrack is very star warsey, take that as you will.
Story is boring and cliche, it doesn't feel like an interesting exploration of the universe, more of a retelling of the most cliched star wars plot points: recovering an object that is instrumental for giving rebels a chance in the war, struggling with dark side sprinkled in are those familiar videogame tropes like finding out about an ancient technologically advanced civilization, both the main character and his robot sidekick have amnesia and are slowly remembering their past which is hilarious, you're finding Force essences that function kinda like audio logs giving you windows into past events at their locations.
It's all very cliched, but the gameplay redeems it. Especially the level design is awesome the way everything is interconnected and the levels are just breathtaking a lot of the time. Lightsaber combat is awesome, probably the best since Jedi Academy, the way game utilizes Force powers is also very cool and intuitive.
Overall the game structure I would describe as a mix of From Software games and the new Tomb Raider trilogy. There's definitely a completionist/collectathon element to the game that I personally don't enjoy that much but also it's not that bad.
By far the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thing about this game is performance. A lot of people are have problems with it, and at the very least you will have stuttering as the game loads in new cells on a level, even on an SSD.
Fortunately, steam allows for refunds under 2 hours of playtime so the performance can be tested.
Публикувана 28 февруари 2021.
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10.6 изиграни часа (1.4 часа по време на рецензията)
Публикувана 9 януари 2021. Последно редактирана 6 февруари 2023.
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0.5 изиграни часа
Game seems fun but is unplayable on modern AMD GPUs. And that's after 10 minutes of tinkering just to get it to launch. Stuttering is awful. ♥♥♥♥♥♥ port. Avoid.
Публикувана 15 септември 2020.
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5.3 изиграни часа
I remember enjoying this game a lot as a kid and I was looking forward to replaying it. But I gotta be real with you, it sucks major ass.
There was literally nothing enjoyable about this game. That's right, nothing.
Let's start with the story: it's like a spy movie written by 6 year olds, without a hint of irony or self awareness. Nothing cool or unique about it. The dialogue also sucks majorly. Sure, Sam's voice is cool, I can't deny that. But the dialogue has very little to no charm to it.
Graphics are inoffensive for 2002, but the animations really ruin the presentation for me. They're stiff, slow and extremely unnatural and videogamey. Compared to, say, metal gear solid 2 (another stealth classic), which is a game that came out in 2001, the animations are laughably bad.
Gameplay is bad and janky. Shooting mechanics are like deus ex 1, but worse, which especially sucks during the forced enemy engagements the game throws at you occasionally. You can control your movement speed with the mouse wheel, which is weird at first but it's actually okay when you get used to it. The problem is, game doesn't communicate how much noise you're generating very well (at all actually), so you'll just stick to fastest speed far away from enemies, and the slowest speed anywhere near enemies, completely killing that cool movespeed control that you have. This game is no thief or deus ex, it's actually extremely linear with an illusion of being open ended. There's pretty much always only one viable path, you just have to figure out what it is.
The music is fine, but extremely repetitive. It's like they used really short loops of music, it's noticeable after a while.
The sound is weird, it's almost like mono. Enemies in different rooms sound like they're in the room with you. It's weird, it might be a technical issue rather than a design one, which reminds me this game will take some tinkering to work properly on moderns PCs, pcgamingwiki for that.
And finally, it's kinda really short at 5 hours. Which is good in this case, because the game sucks so less time playing it is a blessing, but I think the optimal choice would be not playing it in the first place.
Публикувана 29 август 2020. Последно редактирана 29 август 2020.
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8.3 изиграни часа
I really wanted to like this game. The main character seems cool and badass, and the game looks fun from screenshots/ and even gameplay footage at times.
Unfortunately, I think it fails on every level. It doesn't work as a cheesy action game because there's just not enough cutscenes and few that there are they didn't have the budget to lipsync the villain (lol), writing is poor even for cheesy action standards and they're just too stiff and the same can be said about the gameplay.
It lacks impact and polish, not to mention balance. Your first default weapon with infinite recharging ammo is incredibly overpowered with a certain upgrade path (rail gun), killing everything in one shot and passing through enemies. You only need to switch to your other weapons in case it runs out of charge which doesn't happen 90% of the time. Weapons are upgraded with a currency that drops constantly, and you're never really limited by the money, only by your character level, which is pretty annoying. So every level up you'll be checking if any new upgrades have become available.
Gameplay is insanely shallow, you just hold left click at any enemies that appear at the edge of the screen (sometimes visibly spawning on your screen if you go to fast lol), occasionally throwing a grenade if you see a few enemies clustered up. There's a few skills and some powerups you can use in a clutch, but it's never necessary or meaningfully integrated into the gameplay. The just seem slapped on to look cool for the trailer. Oh did I mention there's a lot of enemies that shoot you off screen as well.
The game is like 12 hours long according to HLTB, which isn't a problem until you realize it's 12 hours with incredibly padded, copy pasted gameplay killing the same few enemies over and over again. There's also some platforming, a lot of the stages are interconnected floating platforms in the sky and you can easily fall off due to the awkward perspective. In the case of a fall, the game instantly kills you and forces you to play from the previous checkpoint and losing all your progress or sacrifice 5% of your total cash to respawn you at the same previous checkpoint but not lose progress lol.
Just a poorly designed videogame. It has some style, but zero substance.
Публикувана 20 август 2020.
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20.7 изиграни часа
This game is fun for a few hours. It has a cool fairy tale atmosphere and a nice soundtrack.
Unfortunately as an RPG game it fails on every level. The vibe is too goofy to take it seriously, but not goofy enough to be amusing. The story is generic and lame. The morality system boils down to cartoonishly good or cartoonishly evil (most choices are just kill X or save X). For an RPG, this is a pretty short game (which isn't a problem by itself by any means) but even with its short length the combat becomes turbo tedious before the halfway point due to its' extreme shallowness and poor balancing. You can effortlessly break the game by just leveling the slow time spell and running past 95% of enemies, which in this case is good because it allows you to skip the tedious combat but that's just one example of how poorly balanced the game is. Item progression is also poorly handled, armors are almost completely irrelevant and their only use is fluff, and if you're a mage you don't even care about weapon progression. I mean sure, you can get a weapon with like a 2% mana regen bonus (lol) but it's not like you don't have an infinite supply of mana potions. The economy system is also completely irrelevant and I have beaten the entire game without even interacting with it. Sure, you can buy and rent out houses and then tediously collect rent, but there's literally nothing to spend money on in this game so don't waste your time. You'll pretty much max out your build in 5 hours and get bored of a lack of progression and challenge. Sure, you can then spec out into other classes because the game gives you enough XP to max out almost everything, but by that point you will already be bored of the combat so not sure why you would fight with your weaker class to make it even more tedious.
There's still a little value in exploring the cool stylized fairy tale world of it, but as an RPG I think it's safe to say it's a disaster.
Публикувана 21 февруари 2020. Последно редактирана 21 февруари 2020.
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17.6 изиграни часа
This game is immediately fun and addictive. It's easy to get into but there's definitely a decent amount of strategy involved. It's not an insanely deep game, I'd say on average you'd master it and get bored in around 20 hours (I beat all the levels and got the achievements in 17 hours), but it's time well spent. The visuals and UI are a bit flash gamey (not sure if this started as a flash game or not) but they serve their purpose in informing you very well and are not without any charm. I enjoyed the music especially, not sure if it was royalty free or original soundtrack but it was pretty alright. Oh and I almost forgot, there's a textbox story between levels that actually kept me mildly interested what's going to happen next, so there's that too.
Публикувана 3 февруари 2020. Последно редактирана 5 февруари 2020.
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5.5 изиграни часа
This game gets boring pretty fast. I get the appeal of it at the start, it has a very charming wholesome atmosphere and the gameplay is solid. Unfortunately, by the time you reach 4th or 5th world the difficulty really ramps up to the point where levels feel like banging your head against the wall. It will take you countless tries to beat those later levels and it's mind numbing and not exactly fun. I don't mind challenging video games, but it just feels like brainless replaying of the same level until you don't make any tiny mistakes that instantly kill you.

I still got a few hours worth of fun out of it, and usually I would give it a positive review considering the cheap price, but I feel the game is rated too positively on the account of the good initial impression it gives people.
Публикувана 29 януари 2020.
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3 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
0.6 изиграни часа
I have never written off a game this fast. It is that truly awful.

The art style is horribly ugly and generic, the story starts off in a disgustingly cliched and uncreative way, the animations are very awkward, the level design consists of extremely basic, huge square rooms with a few props thrown around the corners in a desperate attempt to make them look less embarrassing. The combat system is generic, janky and unenjoyable. Hit detection is out of whack and the game overuses slow mo cam on every kill, completely destroying the pace of battles.

I could go on but I feel that's enough reasons for no one to ever touch this game. I assume the devs were just trying to cash in on God of War popularity and the fact that it was a Playstation exclusive.
People rating this game 7/10 I can only imagine have never sideways glanced at another videogame in their lives.
Публикувана 17 януари 2020.
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