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Останні рецензії користувача Mumm-Ra

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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
105.6 год. загалом (26.9 год на момент рецензування)
A well-done game that deserves more attention and support. Its characters are stylized to look adorable while maintaining an intimidating or creepy appearance. Playing Hollow Knight is like reading through a Gothic story: mystery is a major theme and the story slowly builds up.

Also, Hollow Knight’s graphics are absolutely fantastic. Each time I encounter a new area, I just have to take a moment and observe how gorgeous the artwork is. The soundtrack that goes along with it fits the area’s design appropriately as well, and it transitions smoothly every time you move between two areas. There are also small details within the game that can surprise you and make you think, “Wow, they really added that!” It goes to show how much effort and attention the designers have put into it.

All in all, I love this game and look forward to what the devs will eventually add.
Додано 3 січня 2018 р..
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