Vash the Killua
I'm so bad. are entering the wooooorld...of pumpkinheaaaaaaaaaad...


well be on your way

don't let us ruin your day

you don't knowww www. ..

░░░░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ U HAVE BEEN SPOOKED BY
░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄CARETAKER JOE
░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░▐▌SEND THIS TO 7 PPL OR I GOTTA GO AHHHH-

The treats are on me, one Buttercreamer to another.


*turns head*

In the early 90's, a commercial featuring a shark aired. The commercial begins with a shark swimming through the ocean until something near the surface catches his attention. He thinks a Hostess CupCake is at the surface. As he swims closer, the CupCake turns out to be a woman sitting in a inner tube. The shark bumps the lady into the air, then says, "Hey! Where's the cream filling?" as the woman falls into the ocean. In 1998, a commercial featuring a doll aired. In 2000, a commercial featuring a rhinoceros aired. The commercial begins with the grasslands of Africa and a rhinoceros is grazing until something gets his attention. He thinks it's a Hostess CupCake. The rhino gets ready to charge, and the CupCake turns out to be a spare tire on the front of a safari jeep. Tourists are viewing the grassland just as the rhino charges. The tourists scream as the rhino charges at the jeep. The rhino says, "Hey! Where's the cream filling?" as the jeep is seen stuck on his horn. In 2002, a commercial featuring Dracula aired. The commercial begins in Transylvania, where Dracula is getting ready to bit a woman's neck and suck her blood until something catches his attention. He turns into a bat and flies out the window. He thinks he sees a Hostess CupCake. But as flies closer, the Cupcake turns out to be a neon hotel sign. He crashs into the sign and turns back into Dracula. He faints after he says, "Hey! Where's the cream filling?" In 2004, a commercial featuring a dragon aired. The commercial begins with a knight guarding a castle. Then, a green dragon is seen flying through the clouds until he sees a Hostess Cupcake, but when he flies toward it, the Hostess CupCake turns out to be Rapunzel in her tower. The dragon and Rapunzel crash through the tower and the dragon says, "Hey! Where's the cream filling?"

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A Rock Named Jacques 12 Mar, 2018 @ 10:10pm 
As for Red vs. Blue itself, the story started kinda losing me when it seemed to be in the middle of the "Blood Gultch Chronicles" and then they started time travelling or whatever. I soldiered on for a while, but I found it so difficult to keep track of everything going on that I lost interest. I should try watching some more in the future.

Still, I much prefer Arby 'n' The Chief. That was a huge part of my childhood for several years, and I still enjoy it to this day.
A Rock Named Jacques 12 Mar, 2018 @ 10:09pm 
Yeah, it looks like it has a very intriguing, dark story, a unique artstyle, and just very atmospheric and creative in general. Yeah, I remember that. It did sound kinda like it.

I downloaded the Halo free trial a while back, and it has one level from the single player. It's fun, and I'd really like to own a copy of it since it seems pretty fun and is an important part of gaming history, but still... I don't care to pay forty bucks for a copy. I also played a little of Halo 1 and 3's splitscreen modes on a couple of very rare occasions, and I also played Halo 2 for like five minutes one time when I was in the hospital after having surgery as a kid. but that's about it.

Funny that you mention Red vs. Blue. I once told you that one of your other voices reminded me of O'Malley. Do you remember which one?
A Rock Named Jacques 12 Mar, 2018 @ 9:41pm 
The only games right off the top of my head that I want to get that aren't available for purchase digitally are No One Lives Forever 2, and American McGee's Alice. It looks interesting enough, and EA isn't selling the original right now for some reason. And you know what the best part is? If I buy an old copy of it, I wouldn't have to give EA any money!

Oh, and I've also been toying around with the idea of buying a copy of the original Halo, but IDK, it goes for a little more money than I'm willing to spend on it.

A Rock Named Jacques 12 Mar, 2018 @ 9:28pm 
I got my copy of No One Lives Forever in the mail a few days ago and got it running. I've played the first level so far. There does appear to be some sort of issue that makes the aiming a little jittery, but nothing game breaking, and I forget that it's even there (I actually don't remember if it was even there after the introductory training level). I know that there's a fix for whatever it is on PCGamingWiki, but I'm too lazy to try and implement it right now, and the game works pretty nicely as is.

I'm kinda getting an itch to buy old copies of games and getting them running. At least ones that aren't available for purchase anymore, for whatever reason.
A Rock Named Jacques 12 Mar, 2018 @ 8:14pm 
Actually, technically that would be a crossover. I derped.
A Rock Named Jacques 12 Mar, 2018 @ 8:00pm 
Or a Death Battle episode.