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22.7 hrs on record (19.8 hrs at review time)
Omfg, this game, this freakin' game. I got it in Early Access back in October 2014 because I saw that Danny Baranowsky (Super Meat Boy and Binding of Isaac) had composed the music. Installed, played, and all I could think was that this was the most genius game idea ever! Roguelike? Check. Turn based strategy? Check. Awesome music? Check...oh, you mean that the music determines the pace of the turns? ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I just jizzed a little.

But seriously, the game is incredibly fair, any time you so much as get hit, it's your own damn fault. Only one creature in the entire game (and the bosses, kinda) can be considered "random", and that's the bats which are quite easily managed by only moving at the right time.

If you want replayability, there are several characters each with unique styles. One has no weapon, unlimited bombs, and can kick bombs 3 units away. Another doesn't damage enemies and merely confuses them (they move in the opposite direction that they want) when she attacks. Another disregards the whole "rhythm game" thing and just moves whenever you want and the enemies will move at the same time you do, so you can pause for 5 minutes and think about the best course of action if you're so inclined (this was the first character I beat the game fully with, Zone 4 be hard yo). And then there are the characters that increase the beats per minute, or the ones that die if you so much as miss a single beat/get hit. And then there's the guy that combines both as well as dies if he picks up money...

There's also a local co-op mode if you're interested, and speedrun leaderboards.

There's something for everybody, the game is great and well worth the $15. You might not get as much replayability out of it as say Isaac purely because Isaac has like a billion items. But the game runs flawlessly on a potato, it's solid fun and you'll definitely get your fill, and there's no reason you can't replay it over and over, it's a roguelike, just play as much as you like.
Posted 11 May, 2015.
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17.9 hrs on record (16.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Speedrunners is freaking brilliant when played with friends. I've had a fair number of 4 hours sessions playing this with friends. Game comes with local mutliplayer, online multiplayer (random people and/or Steam friends) and bots, and any combination of the three. A highly recommended buy if you're looking for a party game for when you hook up your PC to the TV with some gamepads.
Posted 14 February, 2014.
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