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Для порівняння цих показників зі своїми вам необхідно увійти до профілю
63 з 104 (61%) досягнень здобуто:
Особисті досягнення


Earn 50 stars
Здобуто 1 серп. 2018 о 13:23


Earn 100 stars
Здобуто 29 листоп. 2018 о 9:02


Earn 150 stars
Здобуто 7 берез. 2019 о 15:26


Earn 200 stars
Здобуто 20 квіт. 2019 о 8:05


Earn 250 stars
Здобуто 5 жовт. 2019 о 16:31

Steam Age

Complete 10 levels
Здобуто 1 серп. 2018 о 13:23

Industrial Age

Complete 20 levels
Здобуто 1 серп. 2018 о 13:23

Electrical Age

Complete 30 levels
Здобуто 29 листоп. 2018 о 5:15

Globalisation Age

Complete 40 levels
Здобуто 20 квіт. 2019 о 8:05

Space Age

Complete 50 levels
Здобуто 5 верес. 2019 о 3:46


Make a train visit 8 different stations
Здобуто 2 серп. 2018 о 4:09


Complete any level without pausing the game
Здобуто 7 січ. 2019 о 19:13


Complete a level with 300 or more track tiles
Здобуто 11 лют. 2019 о 4:59

Close call!

Have two trains pass by very close to each other
Здобуто 2 серп. 2018 о 4:03


Complete a level with 8 simultaneously running trains
Здобуто 11 лют. 2019 о 4:59


Destroy a building worth 100k
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 7:44

Lucky vandal

Destroy a building worth 100k and complete a level
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 8:03


Make a train crash into itself
Здобуто 14 квіт. 2019 о 7:32


Finish the level with only one train working
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 5:54

Full garage

Get 8 locomotives on any level
Здобуто 13 лют. 2019 о 16:35

Upgrade complete

Upgrade 8 or more locomotives on one level
Здобуто 13 лют. 2019 о 16:35

The Tortoise

Get 5 stars on any level playing on normal speed only
Здобуто 13 лют. 2019 о 16:35

The Hare

Complete any level with 5 stars on 2x speed only
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 7:14

The Hare with an espresso

Complete any level with 5 stars on 4x speed only
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 7:17

Get out my way

Have one train crash into another from behind
Здобуто 1 серп. 2018 о 13:36

Critical care

Crash and repair one locomotive 5 times
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 8:00


Build 5 bridges and finish the level
Здобуто 6 лют. 2019 о 8:38

One way

Complete a level using a tunnel only in one direction
Здобуто 30 листоп. 2018 о 2:36


Build a tunnel and finish the level without using it
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 7:10

To the eyeballs!

Complete the level sending only fully loaded trains
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 5:02

Individual delivery

Send 3 trains in a row with only one car each
Здобуто 7 січ. 2019 о 19:12

Jewelry accuracy

Complete any level of 2-5 era without destroying any objects on the map
Здобуто 16 груд. 2018 о 13:03

At the last moment!

Get 5 stars delivering the last train in the final 5 seconds before the timer runs out. The train should not be stopped.
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 6:23

Multilevel road

Place tracks under a bridge
Здобуто 1 серп. 2018 о 13:24


Send a train with workers from one city to another
Здобуто 7 січ. 2019 о 19:11

Common cause

Send trains with workers from different cities to one production
Здобуто 1 серп. 2018 о 13:32

Forgot something

Return a train back to its departure station
Здобуто 1 груд. 2018 о 16:54

Without a lunch break

Complete any level having at least one resource produced the entire time
Здобуто 29 листоп. 2018 о 9:02

Prick of conscience

Fail 10 star tasks
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 6:09


Build 1000 track tiles
Здобуто 1 груд. 2018 о 5:31


Build 5000 track tiles
Здобуто 11 лют. 2019 о 4:24


Build 10000 track tiles
Здобуто 14 квіт. 2019 о 9:07


Remove 50 animals
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 6:12


Remove 300 trees
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 7:56

Just in time!

Transport 500 trains
Здобуто 29 листоп. 2018 о 13:51


Blow up 100 trains
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 7:34

Missed it!

Transport 50 trains to a wrong destination
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 6:03

It's no coincidence

Go bankrupt 10 times
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 8:09

Need to think

Press pause button 100 times
Здобуто 29 листоп. 2018 о 8:32

Living it large

Become a millionaire
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 8:47

Environmental activist

Remove construction equipment for 100K
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 7:24

Bridge builder

Build 100 bridges
Здобуто 5 берез. 2019 о 16:48

Metro builder

Build 100 tunnels
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 7:21

Will work

Repair 50 locomotives
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 7:34

Railroad tycoon

Buy 150 locomotives
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 8:56


Upgrade 200 locomotives
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 6:39


Remove 50 bridges or tunnels
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 7:29

Large construction

Build productions totaling 500K
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 6:18


Deliver the first train in the end of the level without stopping it
Здобуто 8 берез. 2019 о 5:37

Tourism Age

Complete 60 levels
Здобуто 22 лип. 2020 о 7:45

Urbanization Age

Complete 70 levels
Здобуто 21 черв. 2021 о 23:00


Earn 300 stars
Здобуто 5 черв. 2021 о 2:21


Earn 350 stars
Здобуто 1 листоп. 2021 о 7:36

Red Dwarf

Earn 400 stars
392 / 400


Earn 450 stars
392 / 450

Per Aspera

Complete 80 levels
79 / 80

Ad Astra

Complete 90 levels
79 / 90


Earn 500 stars
392 / 500


Earn 550 stars
392 / 550


Earn 600 stars
392 / 600

Atomic Age

Complete 100 levels
79 / 100

Information Age

Complete 110 levels
79 / 110

Digital Age

Complete 120 levels
79 / 120


Earn 250 gems
0 / 250


Earn 500 gems
0 / 500


Earn 790 gems
0 / 790

Pink Ruby

Complete 50 levels
0 / 50

Trapiche Emerald

Complete 100 levels
0 / 100

Star Sapphire

Complete 158 levels
0 / 158

Maiden Voyage

Complete 130 levels
79 / 130

Knowing The Ropes

Complete 140 levels
79 / 140

Running A Tight Ship

Complete 150 levels
79 / 150

The Explorer

Earn 650 stars
392 / 650

Across The Infinite

Earn 700 stars
392 / 700

World Zapper

Earn 750 stars
392 / 750

Test Batch

Produce 1000 products
0 / 1,000

Mass Production

Produce 5000 products
0 / 5,000

Long Haul

Travel 10000 tiles
0 / 10,000

Just One More Valley

Travel 30000 tiles
0 / 30,000

Sergey says hi!

Complete a level and earn 0 stars

All out of gum

Complete a level without using Catalysts

Not on my watch

Complete a level without using Inhibitors


Stop the timer with an Inhibitor for 111 consecutive seconds


Have a Catalyst and an Inhibitor working simultaneously

Stop! Achievement time!

Complete a level while the timer is stopped by an Inhibitor


Earn 800 stars
392 / 800


Earn 850 stars
392 / 850

Space colonization

Complete 160 levels
79 / 160

Future tech

Complete 170 levels
79 / 170

Залишилося прихованих досягнень: 5

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