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Publicada el 8 NOV 2022 a las 17:24

- this review may contain spoilers, if you don´t mind go ahead.
- early review, dead game/ project

Summary: A short F2P OELVN with anime content. Features good artwork, bgm.

- Gameplay/ story: before anything, writing this review in 2022, seems the game is dead; the devs tried a Kickstarter campaign (2020), but was canceled (unsuccessful I guess). Anyway, this is only the prologue; the plot is about the usual school life, the MC Touki is moving from the countryside to Tokyo and starting a school life. Upon moving to Tokyo, will find his dear childhood friend, make new friends (one man and a couple of girls), and the end. So far is basically a kinetic OELVN, with a couple of moments in which will interact by clicking on some points to proceed.
- VA: partial VA in english.
- Artwork: pretty good
- Text/translation: no problem so far

Conclusion: "Tokyo Re:Connect Prologue" is a short F2P OELVN, featuring very good artwork and bgm; however only covers the prologue and right now seems to be a dead project and for that reason, I don't recommend to play, unless if you want to taste an OELVN with JP content.
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