Timp de joc în ultimele 2 săptămâni:

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8 din 56 (14%) realizări obținute:
Realizări personale

Just Getting Started

Played five hours in-game
Obținută la 5 apr. 2020 la 2:05

Getting to Know You

Played twenty hours in-game.
Obținută la 10 iun. 2020 la 1:24

Dungeon ready: Ranger

Reached level eight as a Ranger
Obținută la 9 mart. 2020 la 2:39

Master Ranger

Achieved Level 20 as a Ranger
Obținută la 14 apr. 2020 la 1:34

Grand Master Ranger

Achieve Level 30 as a Ranger.
Obținută la 10 iun. 2020 la 1:58

Fall of the Lich King

Finished the Crypt Dungeon.
Obținută la 5 apr. 2020 la 1:39

A Slimy End

Finished the Sewers Dungeon
Obținută la 5 apr. 2020 la 2:23

Victory of Mythic Proportions

Finished the Broken Halls Dungeon.
Obținută la 8 iun. 2020 la 2:42

Catch of the Day

Complete all of the Catch of the Day quests.

One of Us

Played one hundred hours in-game.

Committed to the Cause

Played five hundred hours in-game.

Dungeon ready: Runemage

Reached level eight as a Runemage

Dungeon ready: Warrior

Reached level eight as a Warrior

Dungeon ready: Musketeer

Reached level eight as a Musketeer

Master Mage

Achieved Level 20 as a Runemage

Master Warrior

Achieved Level 20 as a Warrior

Master Musketeer

Achieved Level 20 as a Musketeer

Master Class

Achieved Level 20 as a Ranger, Runemage, Warrior, and Musketeer on a single character

Master Shaman

Achieve Level 20 as a Shaman

Master Paladin

Achieve Level 20 as a Paladin.

Master Bard

Achieve Level 20 as a Bard.

Master Scoundrel

Achieve Level 20 as a Scoundrel.

Grand Master Mage

Achieve Level 30 as a Mage.

Grand Master Warrior

Achieve Level 30 as a Warrior.

Grand Master Musketeer

Achieve Level 30 as a Musketeer.

Grand Master Shaman

Achieve Level 30 as a Shaman.

Grand Master Paladin

Achieve Level 30 as a Paladin.

Grand Master Bard

Achieve Level 30 as a Bard.

Grand Master Scoundrel

Achieve Level 30 as a Scoundrel.

Master Second Class

Achieve Level 20 as a Shaman, Paladin, Bard, and Scoundrel on the same character.

Grand Master Class

Achieve Level 30 as a Runemage, Warrior, Musketeer, and Ranger on the same character.

Grand Master Second Class

Achieve Level 30 as a Scoundrel, Bard, Shaman, and Paladin on the same character.

A Step Above

Played 250 hours in-game.

Very Committed to the Cause

Played 750 hours in-game.

Insanely Committed to the Cause

Played 1000 hours in-game.


Played one thousand three hundred and thirty-seven hours in-game.

Dragon Ace

Achieved Level 7 reputation with Sicilus.


Achieved Level 7 reputation with Chef Lethrow.


Achieved Level 7 reputation with Darius.

Duke and Duchess

Achieved Level 7 reputation with Kaia the Highsteppe Mayor.


Achieved Level 7 reputation with Whisper


Achieved Level 7 reputation with Marlowe.


Achieved Level 7 reputation with Cenn.

The Mile High Club

Finished the Airship Dungeon

Is It Dark In Here?

Completed the Crypt, Sewers, Airship, and Broken Halls dungeons 25 times each.

Every Class Twice

Level up after hitting the level cap 240 times.

Close Call

Finish a shard dungeon with less than 10 seconds remaining.

gg ez

Finish a shard dungeon with more than 20 minutes remaining.

8 realizări ascunse rămase

Detaliile realizărilor vor fi dezvăluite odată cu deblocarea acestora.